Hello all, I am writing asking the

07/01/2016 - 08:57

Hello all, I am writing asking the forum for help on behalf of an Australian client for whom we are refurbishing her house in Italy. The Australian lady bought the house to refurbish wanting to take up Italian citizenship. She has now been informed that if she no longer keeps her Australian passport she must stop being a Director of her business in Australia, as she does not want to give up being the Director, therefore she is inquiring if it is possible to have dual passports i.e. keep her Australian one and get a new Italian one.She would ask directly in the Embassy in Perth but they only take questions if you physically go there and she cannot make a trip to Perth for a few weeks, so I am asking the forum if anyone can help? All the best Conor



She has to ask  > The ELECTIVE RESIDENCE   that is particularly residence that can't permit to work in Italy http://vistoperitalia.esteri.it/home/it#BMQuestionarioLine 1 > australia Line 2 > australia line 3 > più do 90 giorni line 4 >  Residenza Elettiva click on > vai alle risposte good  reading ...Ugo , by Lifeinitaly.it  

She can have dual citizenship as Gaia says, but only if she is eligible.  She will need to have Italain parents or grandparents and apply as a descendant,, or be resident in ITaly for the requisite amount of time or be married to an Italian - she' can't just apply and hope for the best.    If she has no Italian blood relations then her choice is that she will need to move to ITaly, gain residence and then after 10 years she can apply.There are other time periods depending on her statuts. 

  • 10 anni di residenza legale in Italia per i cittadini extracomunitari;
  • 3 anni di residenza legale in Italia per i discendenti di cittadini italiani per nascita (sino al secondo grado - nonni) e per i nati in Italia;
  • 5 anni di residenza legale in Italia per gli adottati maggiorenni (da cittadini italiani), per gli apolidi e per i rifugiati politici e per i figli maggiorenni di genitori naturalizzati italiani;
  • 4 anni di residenza legale in Italia per i cittadini comunitari;
  • 5 anni di servizio, anche all'estero, alle dipendenze dello Stato Italiano.

Hi Ugo, Gaia an Modicasa. Thank  you all very much. I have passed on the information to her. She was born in Calabria so she has Italian Blood. Bought house as Prima Casa so she neds to get residency . Thanks again, Conor

Yes, Modi, you are right, she also has to comply with the Italian citizenshipI requirements, and the main problem is whether she would be allowed to retain her Australian citizenship When she  applies for the Italian one (I guess that she intends to apply under ancestry rules and not residence) . This is most important as she needs to keep her Australian citizenship because she wants to continue being a Director in her Australian company and this has citizenship requirements. She will have no problems, dual and even multiple citizenship are nowadays allowed by both the Italian and Australian authorities. Problem solved! smiley