This Taggiasca Olive Pesto Makes the Perfect Party Spread

Cindy Swain | Fri, 08/19/2016 - 02:00
taggiasca olive pesto
Taggiasca olive pesto
Difficulty Level
Cooking Time
5 minutes

Taggiasca is the Italian name of the Cailletier cultivar of olives primarily grown in southern France and in the Italian region of Liguria. The name Taggiasca derives from Taggia, a small Italian city located near the Ligurian coast. These small olives range from a greenish-brownish-purple to a brownish-black color and have a meaty texture and a sweet, fruity, mild flavor. The Taggiasche olives are cured in a sea salt brine and fermented for up to five months. They are often eate

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