Share Your Story
by elisascarton |
By Elisa Scarton Detti
I am absolutely and filthily jealous of city expats.
They live charmed lives full of English cinemas, multiethnic restaurants and pretty…
by Barry Lillie |
With impressive theatrical credits like, Desdemona in Shakespeare’s, Othello, notable film performances and the lead roles in Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland…
by Katia Amore |
Words and lead picture by Jo-Ann Santora McLean
Thirty nine year old Paolo Gallo uses his hands like a maestro conducting an orchestra. His opera is Sicily……
by Georgette Jupe |
Welcome to ITALY Magazine's “Share Your Italian Story” series. This month, Lisa Condie, originally from Salt Lake City, Utah talks to Georgette Jupe…
by Barry Lillie |
Continuing with our ‘Share Your Italian Story’, this month, sisters Catherine and Emily Ewen, originally from Hamilton, New Zealand, talk to Barry Lillie about…
by sarahdimaggio |
We decided on New Year's Eve: this was going to be the year we would finally make it to Italy.
So we planned our family trip meticulously. We wanted to see…
by Barry Lillie |
Pictured above: Grinzane Cavour, Piemonte (photo by Richard Noble).
Welcome to a new series of “Share Your Italian Story”. This month, Richard Noble,…
by Dawn Cavanagh-Hobbs |
This week we launch the second cycle of our “Share Your Italian Story” series with Dawn Cavanagh-Hobbs's story about how she fell in love with Italy and moved…
by Deborah Woods |
As hard as I try and rack my brain, I can’t remember the actual day that I started this journey. I do however; remember discussing this with my Italian friend…
by Colin Muirhead |
As the coach sped across the plains of the Po valley, there was something serene in the view outside that pleased my eye. This was my first trip to Italy;…
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