Shopping Tips
by Anonymous (not verified) |
By: Jessica Graybill
Italy has a long, rich history with ceramics, one that is revered by many all over the world. Handmade, hand painted maiolica is an…
by Laura Morelli |
Many travelers to Italy count silk ties and scarves among their favorite souvenirs, and silk accessories form a kaleidoscope of color in shop windows. The…
by csabino |
For visitors seeking to escape the armies of tourists that descend on Venice each year there is an easy solution and it doesn’t involve traveling to La…
by Anna Lebedeva |
The first time I heard of drogherie shops was while talking to an Italian friend who said: “If I can’t find something in a conventional shop I go to a…
by Laura Morelli |
[Main photo credit: Rome via dell'Orso CC via Flickr (c) Bruno.jpg]
Italy is the world’s largest exporter of gold jewelry, but Italians also keep much…
by Laura Morelli |
Cover image credit: Faenza ceramics festival CC via Flickr (c) Argilla Italia.jpg
Faenza, located in the heart of Emilia-Romagna halfway between…
by Laura Morelli |
Few of us would mistake Milan for Munich, but some southern Italians jokingly call their northern countrymen tedeschi, a nod to the cultural ties that the…
by Georgette Jupe |
In a city as wonderfully well known in Florence, knowing “what can we do” goes so far beyond the top 10 list on Tripadvisor. As someone who has based here for…
by Laura Morelli |
We all want to come home from Florence with a special souvenir, but selecting which leather bag or jacket is the right choice can be overwhelming. Take one…
by Georgette Jupe |
As ever-more busy shoppers looking for the best deals, our purchases are often emotional and spontaneous; any number of events of the day can influence our…
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