Pope John Paul II
by Natalie Aldern |
1.5 million pilgrims gathered in Rome Sunday to witness the beatification of Pope John Paul II.With hotels in the city fully booked, the faithful camped out in…
by Natalie Aldern |
When Pope John Paul II died in 2005, millions of pilgrims flocked to Vatican City for his funeral. The huge crowd began chanting “santo subito!” or “…
by Natalie Aldern |
An American tour guide is under investigation in Rome, suspected of selling fake tickets to the beatification of Pope John Paul II.The guide, who was giving…
by Carla Passino |
Fancy characterful accommodation at astoundingly low prices? Then try an Italian monastery. We picked three of the best ones that welcome lay guests
by ITALY |
"Requiescant in Pace" Pope John Paul II passed away at 21:37 local time (1937 GMT) on Saturday, aged 84. He was watched by his closest aides. All through…
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