by John Bensalhia |
In our third article dedicated to the Italian Renaissance (read part 1 here and part 2 here), John Bensalhia looks at how the movement spurred on a whole new…
by John Bensalhia |
In our second article dedicated to the Italian Renaissance, John Bensalhia assesses the core beliefs and philosophies that defined it.
The Renaissance…
by Silvia Donati |
After 27 years of work, last January, the Opificio delle Pietre Dure returned to Palazzo Vecchio in Florence ten precious tapestries belonging to the biblical…
by John Bensalhia |
John Bensalhia kicks off his look at the Italian Renaissance with a brief guide as to its origins, the main players and the schools of thought behind this…
by Silvia Donati |
Visitors interested in learning more about the art of Northern Italian painter, draughtsman and illustrator Lorenzo Lotto will have the chance to do so at…
by Silvia Donati |
Check below the most visited exhibitions in Italy in 2013 (list compiled by Arte magazine).
1. The most visited exhibition in Italy in 2013 was the 55th…
by Marta Guerriero |
Are you looking for somewhere a little different in Italy? A town with a blend of Italian and Central European culture? With Alpine air and a wealth of art and…
by Anonymous (not verified) |
For the past year, artist James Kerr has been creating a GIF every day involving Renaissance art. He creates digital collages that poke fun on northern and…
by Carol King |
Carol King talks to acclaimed author of the Italian Renaissance Sarah Dunant about her novel on the Borgias and more.British author, broadcaster and critic…
by Carol King |
In our series focusing on famous Italian families, Carol King looks at one of Italy’s most notorious: the Borgias.The Borgia family of the Renaissance went…
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