You will need a policy which covers rentals. It would be easiest and cheapest if your auntie could insure it in her name, but if thats not possible, try Generali or Genertel (the online version of Generali). They will give you buildings and contents cover. However most policies require that you are at the property every 60 days minimum. If that isnt the case, then it gets much more complicated, though generali did do a specific contract for clients of mine who couldnt guarantee the 60 day absence rule.
I agree with Ugo, you need someone to help you who is used to these actions by the tax office. As the agency accepted the letter on your behalf, they should help you - the tax office has your addresses and should have contacted you (unless the agency helped you get your codice fiscale and used their address on the form - in which case the tax office can legitimately send your mail there).
However it seems very odd - the notary when you bought should have appraised you of any possible rettifiche to the tax bill - and there is nothing that comes to mind, other than the notary didnt pay your tax due on the purchase.... If you want to scan and send me the letter I can tell you what the tax is for, because there is a statute of limitations on most things the tax office can ask you for and nearly 3 years is over the limit for most things connected to a house purchase.
Did you buy as prima casa? If so you had 18 months to transfer your residence to the comune where your house is. If you didnt then you will pay the difference in the tax you paid at purchase - 9% of the rateable value instead of 2%.
Is there land with your house - if so it may be that the tax office have decided you didnt pay enough for the land and has hit you with their valuation for the land, which will be the difference, but the tax office has 1 year to make such a rettifica, so you need to know when the tax office originally tried to contact you
However, the tax office should contact you, not the estate agent.
True Ugo. I have finally found the perfect dentist. I needed a filling replacing last year, one dentist gave me an estimate of 1500 because 'I need an implant' , another 1200 'it needs a root canal' - I got it done for 100 ' 'that'll take 10 minutes'. Its worth shopping around.
I wish I knew Ugo's dentist! Italian dentists are expensive - the really cheap ones are sometimes not qualified, and just set up in someones garage - there are endless stories in the papers about this. However, a crown will set you back around 600 euros, an implant around 1300-1600, a bridge about 1000. Alot of ITalians go to Hungary or Malta for their dentistry if they need a big job. Ask around and get personal recommendations (from someone with nice teeth!). There is no state dentistry care, you can only get it as part of facial reconstruction or remedial surgery.
An installer will calculate the cubic metrage to heat and tell you what you need. AS for the radiators themselves, you can get aluminium elements (the cheapest) which you buy one by one and they are put together to make the right size for the room, or steel which is more expensive but lasts longer and comes in set sizes. There are alot of variables.
UK passport holders can now only get residency if they have the Permesso di Soggiorno which for most Brits means a visa for elective residency, which has its own requirements - around 40.000 euro pa for a couple.
Depends on the comune. There is no legal obligation to have an Itlaian bank account, but some comunes say that if you want to be resident then its virtually impossible to live in Italy without one. As far as the amounts go, they will want to know you have the money at the time of the application, and for renewals...
Comments posted
You will need a policy which covers rentals. It would be easiest and cheapest if your auntie could insure it in her name, but if thats not possible, try Generali or Genertel (the online version of Generali). They will give you buildings and contents cover. However most policies require that you are at the property every 60 days minimum. If that isnt the case, then it gets much more complicated, though generali did do a specific contract for clients of mine who couldnt guarantee the 60 day absence rule.
I agree with Ugo, you need someone to help you who is used to these actions by the tax office. As the agency accepted the letter on your behalf, they should help you - the tax office has your addresses and should have contacted you (unless the agency helped you get your codice fiscale and used their address on the form - in which case the tax office can legitimately send your mail there).
However it seems very odd - the notary when you bought should have appraised you of any possible rettifiche to the tax bill - and there is nothing that comes to mind, other than the notary didnt pay your tax due on the purchase.... If you want to scan and send me the letter I can tell you what the tax is for, because there is a statute of limitations on most things the tax office can ask you for and nearly 3 years is over the limit for most things connected to a house purchase.
Did you buy as prima casa? If so you had 18 months to transfer your residence to the comune where your house is. If you didnt then you will pay the difference in the tax you paid at purchase - 9% of the rateable value instead of 2%.
Is there land with your house - if so it may be that the tax office have decided you didnt pay enough for the land and has hit you with their valuation for the land, which will be the difference, but the tax office has 1 year to make such a rettifica, so you need to know when the tax office originally tried to contact you
However, the tax office should contact you, not the estate agent.
True Ugo. I have finally found the perfect dentist. I needed a filling replacing last year, one dentist gave me an estimate of 1500 because 'I need an implant' , another 1200 'it needs a root canal' - I got it done for 100 ' 'that'll take 10 minutes'. Its worth shopping around.
I wish I knew Ugo's dentist! Italian dentists are expensive - the really cheap ones are sometimes not qualified, and just set up in someones garage - there are endless stories in the papers about this. However, a crown will set you back around 600 euros, an implant around 1300-1600, a bridge about 1000. Alot of ITalians go to Hungary or Malta for their dentistry if they need a big job. Ask around and get personal recommendations (from someone with nice teeth!). There is no state dentistry care, you can only get it as part of facial reconstruction or remedial surgery.
Non residents usually get a discount, but you will probably have to visit the TARI office in the comune.
An installer will calculate the cubic metrage to heat and tell you what you need. AS for the radiators themselves, you can get aluminium elements (the cheapest) which you buy one by one and they are put together to make the right size for the room, or steel which is more expensive but lasts longer and comes in set sizes. There are alot of variables.
Subito or facebook vendo/compro pages for your area. Or theres teh Wallapop app.
UK passport holders can now only get residency if they have the Permesso di Soggiorno which for most Brits means a visa for elective residency, which has its own requirements - around 40.000 euro pa for a couple.
Depends on the comune. There is no legal obligation to have an Itlaian bank account, but some comunes say that if you want to be resident then its virtually impossible to live in Italy without one. As far as the amounts go, they will want to know you have the money at the time of the application, and for renewals...