Annec's activity

Questions Asked

Fri, 02/19/2010 - 13:22

Someone posted on the old forum about the thousand-year old trails used for the movement of sheep herds from Abruzzo to Puglia.  I think they have a special name, but can't remember it. Anyway, a very go-ahead Abruzzese now offers the chance to wa

Mon, 02/08/2010 - 05:03

Has anyone seen this movie?  If so, can they explain the point of it? Saw it tonight and glad I'd bought the cheap seats! Has it been shown in Italy?  If so, what's the Italian verdict?

Tue, 02/02/2010 - 20:01
Fri, 01/29/2010 - 13:41

Saw this at my local fleapit this evening.  Specially recommended to those of us not in Italy - it conjures up the  Italian way of talking about and preparing food - I could almost taste the sparkling wine they were drinking.  This is a good preci

Mon, 11/30/2009 - 18:47

So you can now inherit your job in a bank think mostof us know about t

Tue, 11/24/2009 - 06:34

I'm doing a bit of research on Italians who helped escaping PoWs and have come across a photo with the following written on the back:Montefalcone li 25-6-1944 (A Piceno)Mio dovere come patriota, lasciarvi a tutti il ricordoFamiglia xxxx, xxxx xxxx

Wed, 11/04/2009 - 21:39

I've posted about this newsletter before, in the old forum, but thought I would remind those with an interest in S Marche of its continued existence.  It has now been going for a year, and a celebratory gathering is suggested in the latest edition

Sun, 11/01/2009 - 07:19

Comments posted

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 19:34

Thanks KevanLooks like the walk starts some way from Castellucio.  Is there an obvious starting point or do you just plunge in off the road?

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 07:01

Now Andrew - what cultural difference are you trying to illustrate?  Pedantic English versus flamboyant continental???  (Though come to think of it, for some reason I've always thought of Gala as Australian)

Answer to: Speaking Italian
Sun, 06/14/2009 - 20:42

Thanks calum - your suggested website meant that I was able to track down my local Italian language club

Answer to: Bell wether
Sat, 06/13/2009 - 07:06

Any man would pale and cross his legs at the thought

Fri, 06/12/2009 - 11:54

What's going on?  Rain all May - couple of nice days towards the end of the month (coinciding with my visit) - then torrential rain again and now heatwave.Is there something happening to our climate that we should know about?

Fri, 06/05/2009 - 08:24

It used to be really helpful to be able to hover over a post title and see the first line of the actual post.And if we're having a "quotes" system - will that get rid of the current "reply" system which means posts aren't in chronological order and v hard to follow as a thread?

Fri, 06/05/2009 - 08:13

It's nice to be able to let someone know with a quick "grazie" that you appreciate their post.But is it just me who hovers for ages wondering whether to or not?  It's a bit like Yes/No/Don't know questions - it's always more complicated than that.The obvious answer is that I should never grazie anyone if I feel like that - but then I worry that just makes me look permanently ungrateful!My neurosis means I'm happy without the grazie button and writing a few words of appreciation when I feel moved to do so. I agree about the regions though PennyAW

Tue, 06/02/2009 - 04:43

Hi Lisa - have you tried the"My activity" button in the banner at the top.  That at least brings up all the threads you've participated in - I presume in the order of new postings

Mon, 06/01/2009 - 20:00

I agree that it is difficult to follow threads logically now.  Not sure what to suggest though.   However, can I put in a request for a "new posts" flag on topics?  That was how I used to browse the old forum, and/or used the search facility

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 08:52

Sorry - have already posted on the original thread. See more at tenner from me then