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We don't have a jokes section here, so apologies if I'm disrupting anything - but I thought the following was rather fine and I've shoe-horned it into this forum by giving it the above title"It is the month of August;in a resort town sits next to
The Monte San Martino Trust newsletter includes a report on this event:
Sorry if I've got my regions wrong! Anyway, at least it's not Marche...
This piece in yesterday's Guardian sounds more optimistic than it seems on the ground currently:
Lazy Sunday morning meant catching this:'t know if Susan Daghe is a poster, but
I see we have a Restaurant Review procedure - but could we have all the reviews as their own topic so it's quick and easy to see what's been recommended. Currently on a search I have to wade through all the other food stuff. Or am I doing someth
When I try to create a post I get this message:Error: The TEXTAREA with id or name set to "edit-field-website-0-value" was not foundAnd where are everyone's reviews - or has noone posted one yet?
Yesterday a German friend was telling me about an English friend of hers who wanted to get "closer" to a French woman of his acquaintance. So he decided to invite her out for a meal. But of course to the English, anything too lavish on a first d
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Apparently there is a small herd on Monte Bove, the start of a reintroduction programme for the "camoscio appennino" You can join a Facebook group dedicated to them. They're ever so pretty - and a wonderful for getting smears off your windscreen.......
Like others, I don't seem to be able to start a new thread except by replying to an empty post.In fact I couldn't even do this until I switched to "plain text editor"Anyway, I heard this on Woman's Hour yesterday restaurant in the Big Apple has opened serving food, not only like Nonna made it, but cooked by real-life Nonne!!Noo Yoik Italian/American grandmothers and their food. Worth listening to just for the accents!
I've found it difficult to get young trees and shrubs - ie. whips in Italy. The Vivai only seem to sell quite large plants. Have you tried the Corpo Forestale? They will deliver young native trees and shrubs= but they have a system by which you have to have pout in your order by a certain time of the year (Autmn, basically). I've put in my order and am awaiting the results with interest! There's a CF in Amandola, if you are in S Marche. And the road inland from Pedaso to comunanza is lined with Vivai
...tell us a bit more about yourself
Hey - I want to do this too now!!! Especially if there's a retail opportunity at the camping shop thrown in
Depending where you are, Joanna, Rome Ciampino to Bristol by Easyjet is not bad. And the staff are smilier than Ryanair!
Russ - we were swimming in our unheated pool mid-May last year, without any sign of mal di stomaca!! I've also heard there are rules in some places about colour (of liner, cement etc) , in order to try and prevent the stand-out turqoise takeover that is too many pools in a small area. And I think you need a geological survey before planning permission.
Hi David I used to think that a pool made a difference to rentals - but I've decided now that you first have to decide who you are renting to. Many people seem happy to rent without a pool. So research your market first - and do a cost/benefit analysis. It will take a long time to recoup the cost of the pool in the possible higher rentals. That said, I wouldn't be without our pool - but it's a lot of hassle for those few summer months. Do you have someone who can: - open it in the summer and deal with any nasties that have crept in over winter? - ensure that the pool cover remzins in place throughout the winter storms? - keep it chlorinated and cleaned etc whilst it is open (a twice-weekly job) - close it down and "winterise" it at the end of the season - deal with the problem of wild animals getting in and ripping the liner Don't want to put you off, but even after the cost of building - the ongoing costs/hassle need to be set against the glorious though fleeting ability to float about on the pool with glass of wine in hand - which of course risks maximum sunburn! Others will be able to give you an idea of cost - but the cheapest is probably going to set you back 15k or so. Though overground pools are a lot cheaper and do the same job (that is - the floating around bit. Not so good for diving or olympic swimming trials)
I'll add that to my list for next visit in Feb. Though will have to look around the Castle first since I can't make lunch as both my flights are Sundays.
Let's leave this thread alone if and until Tess comes back. Nobody likes their good intentions to be taken advantage of.