alan h's activity

Questions Asked

TARI Tax 2024


Just had my TARI bill for 2024.  I used the PagoPA website to pay it online 

I had major problems with it not accepting my payment - it seemed to freeze after the card details were entered.

Sat, 09/07/2024 - 05:58

Travelling back from Lake Orta area in N Italy, we travelled to the Simplon Pass to reach our first overnight stop in Sion.

Imagine our delight to find that a landslide has closed the pass "for the foreseeable future"

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 02:07

Don't forget - IMU 1st payment due 16th June

Thu, 05/16/2024 - 06:18

Swiss Motorway Vignette - Online E-Purchase.


You can now buy a e-vignette online.  All electronic, so no sticker issued.  It work by using your car number plate. 


Mon, 12/18/2023 - 04:17

We used to use Book Depository to get books for our Italian friends at Christmas.

Book Depository now closed.  Does anyone know of an Italian (or EU) bookshop that will accept orders from the UK and deliver to an Italian address?

Sat, 12/02/2023 - 07:37

Train travel from UK to Italy 


Wed, 11/22/2023 - 13:42

Open Log Fires in Piemonte [and other areas]


Tue, 09/19/2023 - 05:36



Bought mine - less than £5 all in.  Took about a week to arrive.


Wed, 08/09/2023 - 09:25

EU Entry Permit Required From 2024


Mon, 06/26/2023 - 04:08



I am aware that some posters on this site have got the IMU discount for UK Pensioners with a holiday home in Italy, that is not rented out at all.

Mon, 06/19/2023 - 10:17

Comments posted

Wed, 08/12/2020 - 05:48

Ugo, thank you for your response.

My post was solely about the risk of being quarantined on returning overland from italy to the uk.

With the way infection rates are going in europe, travelling by car or rail looks fraught with the risk of quarantine when you get to the uk.

As well as the problem with avoiding Belgium and Luxembourg (I'm not convinced that not stopping in those countries when driving through will allow you to avoid quarantine), infection rates are rising in France and the Netherlands.   Switzerland also has problems, especially in the Geneva area.... .. .. So I'm 95% certain that my trip to my holiday house near Lake Orta in September won't happen.

Travel after Brexit doesn't worry me unduly.  It's in the EU's interest to allow UK residents entry, remembering that we never were inside Schengen anyway. So current arrangement will probably be reproduced after Brexit.


Let's hope that Italy continues to control the virus as  well as they are now.

Fri, 08/07/2020 - 03:45


Anyone travelling through Belgium who arrives in UK after 0400hrs  on Saturday morning will have to quarantine for 2 weeks


UK quarantine applies now

     Area of Uncertainty 

The only thing that isn't clear is whether you have to quarantine if you drive straight through without anyone entering or leaving the car whatsoever.   (Food, petrol, or toilet stops, breakdowns, accidents etc would mean quarantine anyway)

I've heard opposite views on TV, from a Minister and a "Travel Expert"

Fri, 07/31/2020 - 04:31

I avoid Basle  as I've experienced some serious delays there in the past.

By ducking into Germany near Colmar  or Mulhouse onto the autobahn you can turn off before Basle and take the dual carriageway bypassing Lorach straight into Swizerland.  Never been stopped on that route, and I reckon that because of the clear roads it just as quick, if not quicker, than the busy roads through Basle.

Then straight on to Lucerne  and the Gotthard.

Thu, 07/30/2020 - 16:51

Need a new route now Luxembourg has gone on the Quarantine list

Expect Belgium to go on the list soon.

I will go:-

Calais,  Chalons en Champagne   Vitry le Francais  Nancy, Colmar, into Germany,  Lorach and on to Lucerne.  Then Gotthard Tunnel and into Italy.j 

Thu, 07/30/2020 - 11:40

To get them to go away, you will need to trap them, and release them well away from your house - by "well" meaning 1 mile plus.

To discourage more coming, block off every entry to the house, even those at roof level  remove climbing plants from the walls and remove overhanging branches.

Good luck - you'll need it

Wed, 07/29/2020 - 03:42

Surprisingly,  it appears that  if you trap dormice in the UK, you cannot release them in the wild, but have to humanely kill them.

Hopefully its different in Italy

Tue, 07/28/2020 - 05:05

You could try Googling to find any ex-pat forums in the area.  If there are,  then try to contact them.

Sun, 07/26/2020 - 08:45


Hoping to go down in September, quarantined permitting

Tue, 07/21/2020 - 06:34

Which route did you take, and were there any overnight stops?  If so what were they like?

Sat, 07/18/2020 - 05:58

Would be helpful to know how your trip goes, and what things are really like in Italy.

We're hoping to drive down in mid September.