alan h's activity

Questions Asked

If you are planning to travel down to Italy, but don't know where to stay on your overnight stops - this site may be of use;-

Mon, 05/25/2009 - 05:38

After my success answering Annec's question, its my turn. However, I’m not clever enough for an ‘Italian’ question – so I’ll go for one with a ‘Greek’ connection insteadI’m a ‘sad’ man who likes numbers.

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 05:08

Comments posted

Thu, 02/18/2010 - 07:44

 "I do not know what happens with my links... Sometimes they do not work"   Its not just you - everytime I tried to copy that link it seemed to add an extra http// when trying to open [so it always failed]

Thu, 02/18/2010 - 05:39

  L'Aquila: A successful story of restoration of monuments in an emergency situation   at the Italian Cultural Institute in London on Weds 10th march at 6.30pm   go to   Look in events section for details

Answer to: South vs North
Wed, 02/17/2010 - 10:54

 Is Mr. Lynn the same person who [in the last Millennium] allegedly did a survey that showed the IQ in Ireland was very low - because anyone with any sense had emigrated years ago!?   It seems to be of a similar standard    [I've just seen - Mr Lynn comes from Ulster - seems to bear out the first survey]

Answer to: Mudslides
Wed, 02/17/2010 - 07:05

 for those who haven't seen it yet

Answer to: Sterling £££
Sun, 02/14/2010 - 07:50

" ............ the group of "PIGS" is made of Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain. ..........."   Lets hope they don't get similar problems in Croatia, Rumania, Austria and Poland

Tue, 02/09/2010 - 18:16

 Don't forget the third option.........   Sell the garage contents in the UK and buy furniture [new or second hand] in Italy   The cash flow [including savings on transport costs] should be looked at, just to make sure its not worth it

Answer to: Bidets
Mon, 02/08/2010 - 17:00

  Postmac said;- Whether you like them or not- If you intend to sell your house at any stage to an Italian they will want one so you'd be foolish not to install one.   I entirely agree - when I was getting my new bathroom fitted - everyone [Brits as well as Italians] said that if I ever wanted to sell [to italians] it must have a bidet

Answer to: Community Spirit
Mon, 02/08/2010 - 06:01

Totally agree - and what about posting it as a new thread  such as 'The Friday joke' and kick start an old tradition  [and for the newcomers - Friday. in this context, grew, as the last 'Friday Thread' developed, to mean any day of the week]

Mon, 02/08/2010 - 05:15

Could be a winner with the Welsh

Mon, 02/08/2010 - 05:11

By leaving a few clean sweet potatoes in a container of peat, kept damp and left in the warm in March April, "slips" will emerge from the surface. When they are over 20cm from the soil, trim them off and pot into 1 litre pots and allow to grow on. In late May, after the last frost has finished, remove the potted plants and place them rooted into the soil. Being a semi tropical plants they require at least 110 days to mature. They are vigorous, and once they start growing, will readily spread. They are hardy and unlikely to suffer any foliar problems and should out compete any weeds, once the soil has initially been made weed free. In late September, carefully dig them up. Once dug, you will need to leave them to mature a further week in the warmest area you have in the house, this allows the skins to set and the flavour to sweeten and become true to type.

      Footnote - I've just got back from Christmas in East Africa - where sweet potatoes are a staple part  of the diet.  Over there, once planted and growing, the plants spread out over the soil, and where they touch the ground they tend to form new roots - these rooted bits are what they re-plant for the next crop - but I don't know if things are right for sucha propogation method in Italy