DavidUno's activity

Questions Asked

Ok folks, I have not done a quiz question on this Community yet, so here's an easy peasy one for "Moxie's mini quiz for Abruzzo Just giving fund"What is Vincisgrassi and why is it so named?Also, What is Ciausculo?I'll put in my fiver on the two be

Sun, 05/31/2009 - 10:54

This is a warning to anybody with a swimming pool!!Based on last year's experiences, be aware that Nivea sun block for kids is EVIL. It has a dye in it to make it "fun".

Sun, 05/31/2009 - 08:29

Comments posted

Thu, 11/19/2009 - 16:15

 I hated the Forum change but now I've got used to it. It takes longer to load but that doesn't really matter because the content has been pretty dire so I only check in a maximum of once a week. That is obviously a comment on all of us, regular posters, occasionals as well as readers.The old forum had a huge boost in interest  thanks to the earthquake appeal, thanks Angie and co.AlanH, I have enjoyed this thread in all of it's vague meanderings. Maybe a community is forming? 

Answer to: Gas Prices
Wed, 11/04/2009 - 17:28

Well done Sarah and probably Mark as well!  You do realise that your gas now will be of a lesser quality...more filler. NO, I think I'm kidding. Last year there was a rumpus in IL Resto Del Carlino over the price difference between Metano for cars in Umbria compared to that in Marche (Marche being dearer). The spokesman for the gas companies said something like " well, there's metano and there's metano...that in Marche is of a higher quality".

Answer to: Gas Prices
Mon, 10/26/2009 - 05:26

Yes your bombola will have to be exchanged. I do not know  of 1 instance of one companies bombola being refilled by another company.  Earlier in the thread somebody suggested buying your own, then you would have freedom!Good luck with your calls today.

Sat, 10/24/2009 - 19:25

Good option. Watch it in bars and pizzerias. Sociable, no canone, lower heating costs. make friends!

Answer to: Gas Prices
Sat, 10/24/2009 - 15:37

 GPL prices are a scam. Prices from 59c/l to 1.09€/L and then IVA. The companies seem to charge different rates to each individual customer . As with most large purchases you have to shop around and be prepared to do so every couple of years.  Some friends of mine have just had their lovingly tended lawn ruined despite the rep assuring them that there would be no damage at all. They were a little miffed but are happy with a 40c/L reduction in price. The heartache of a lawn being destroyed to save several hundred euro maybe twice a year can be negated by having an above ground bombola. Eyesore but can be screened easily enough.My supply is with Pegas as with Fred and Kath and the price (before reduction) has dropped over the last year from 76c/L to 69c/L. No thanks to me, my supply comes from a village bombola, lucky for me that the price is good because I have no land for my own supply.   

Sat, 07/25/2009 - 13:29

Allow me to on behalf of us Marche folk to welcome you with open (but sweaty) arms! Careful though Gerbillo, marchigiani (including plastic ones) hunt and eat anything furry. "God help you"????

Thu, 07/02/2009 - 17:43

According to the Anagrafe in Sarnano, the identity card has no validity at all for non italians. 100% meaningless document. I was told that as a UK citizen, I must hold an up to date passport in order to be here legally. The Residency foolscap is also only of use  for the banks, Enel, gas company. I had an interesting discussion with the nice lady re identity cards. She told me that my UK identity card is valid. ??? She insisted that such a document exists! All NORMAL english produce it on demand when applying for residency!

Sun, 06/07/2009 - 11:08

The last time that I returned to England, I entered with a passport that had the plastic covering the photograph detached. I was allowed in with no comment. On trying to get out two days later however, I was not allowed to use it for that reason. they explained that I had to be allowed in as a UK citizen. The country is mad! Anyway I was told to use my italian identity card. That got me out of Stansted but at Pescara, no no no. I had 3 passport control bods all to myself, refusing to allow me into Italy on the identity card. When they saw my passport they had a good laugh whilst passing it around. They then demanded my Permesso, luckily I had it with me. They very reluctantly let me in. I have not tried to get out of here since.

Answer to: Hmmm...
Sun, 06/07/2009 - 04:47

It was not me! I only asked the question "is the autograph going into our raffle". I did not receive a straight reply. The woman be mad! Mad! MAD Oi tell ee!

Mon, 06/01/2009 - 23:48

There are many things wrong. We're all trying to make the best of a rushed job. Some of us are not even Members yet after a couple of weeks whereas others get membership almost immediately. I'm sure that all will be ironed out soon.