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Questions Asked

Ok folks, I have not done a quiz question on this Community yet, so here's an easy peasy one for "Moxie's mini quiz for Abruzzo Just giving fund"What is Vincisgrassi and why is it so named?Also, What is Ciausculo?I'll put in my fiver on the two be

Sun, 05/31/2009 - 10:54

This is a warning to anybody with a swimming pool!!Based on last year's experiences, be aware that Nivea sun block for kids is EVIL. It has a dye in it to make it "fun".

Sun, 05/31/2009 - 08:29

Comments posted

Sun, 05/31/2009 - 06:31

 Those dog harnesses mentioned by Adriatica are excellent. they come in various sizes to suit the dog. They loop around the body of the dog and the seatbelt are comfortable and very easy to fit. I have been stopped by the Carabinieri several times and told to fasten my dog. The harness is perfectly acceptable. Good luck.

Answer to: Driving to italy
Fri, 05/29/2009 - 19:52

is your preferred route in to this fair land via Trieste? Very interesting. Have you done the drive to Greece and then ferry? I would've but am a little concerned with the greek connection. 

Answer to: Driving to italy
Fri, 05/29/2009 - 19:48

via Prague is now no longer acceptable UNLESS you have to buy some real beer enroute.Anyway, no need to worry about a route too much, the flemish signs will try to trip you up and then the E numbers will have a go but you'll still find your way. The main thing is to try to enjoy the drive. Belgian motorway stops are excellent. German laybys are horrible. Buon viaggio

Answer to: Macerata -Opera
Thu, 05/28/2009 - 09:01

Gala did you see the La Traviata that was televised live for the year 2000 celebrations? It was staged in I think 4 locations around Paris. I don't know whether it's available but from memory, it was superb.At  Macerata once they did Oberto Conte di San Bonifacio, Verdi's first opera. In that you could hear that he at an early age had the ideas for much of his music to follow.Macerata productions that have caused scandal are Madam Butterfly, the scenery was awful. The cast and orchestra were all applauded but when the Director took the stage he was booed off.Tosca caused a storm  with a naked "Virgin Mary" giving "birth" to two nude fully grown men. The local paper was so outraged that it published a full page colour photograph of the  offending scene followed by complaints from outraged members of the audience.So with all that maybe it isn't really expensive.  

Answer to: Macerata -Opera
Wed, 05/27/2009 - 19:43

Always worth a second or third look. It is my favourite opera, followed by The Marriage of Figaro. I don't care for Madame Butterly, give me a mature trollop anytime!  Don Giovanni? That's good too.  Been celebrating....am DIVORCED as of today.  Zippadee doodaa zippade    ay...........

Answer to: Car Insurance
Wed, 05/27/2009 - 19:36

Directline are very cheap for the first year. Then they raise their prices in my experience. I lost my "no claims" from the UK because there was a gap of more than 1 year before taking out a Directline policy. My UK car was in my wife's name. Blooming insurance is a con.       Anyway. Fiat Uno autocarro, I pay €490 which includes personal protection as well. So get a car with a net in it and save money if you have no need for rear seats.

Answer to: Macerata -Opera
Wed, 05/27/2009 - 18:33

Forgot that bit. Well worth it. crush yes. It works though. There is also plenty of time to get to the bars outside.

Answer to: Macerata -Opera
Wed, 05/27/2009 - 18:31

Wotcha folks. It is well worth the trip. Prices have doubled over the last few years so I havn't been recently. It was a great event, hopefully still is. They've got La Traviata this year so might pull out the stops and buy a ticket. I used to fax to book. They were always very efficient.  The interpretations are  avante garde sometimes causing cat calls and derision. For me,that was part of the fun of the event.Even though ticket prices have risen, something like 75% of the cost of each production is subsidised. That's an opera problem. Too blooming expensive to stage. Macerata has a huge stage so BIG productions can be spectacular. If you are on holiday, just do it. Hang the expense, Covent Garden will be far more expensive.

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 14:40

 I've had three surreal experiences in a row in the Post Office.Each of these 3 times, I entered the PO and thought that it was closed. There was not one single customer!In and out within seconds.

Answer to: Utilities
Tue, 05/26/2009 - 14:24

 Yes your Geometra would be the first port of call if you have one but not at €100 per utility.ENEL and Telecom can be simple over the phone but only if you have a reasonable grasp of italian and the patience to battle with the menu system.When I bought my present abode, the vendor insisted on taking me to various offices to change names. Easier still!The gas companies are a doddle, there is so much competition and they all want your name on their contracts.