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Sun, 10/11/2015 - 05:05

Abruzzo is basically a rural area (as I suspect Molise is) and some Italians here do have an attitude to animals that many in the UK would dislike. But there are also some here that go out of their way to feed and house lots of dogs and cats, but there is still a number that do seem to roam (some may well be peoples dogs just let out). A number of the dogs are hunting dogs and to my mind their "owners" (hunters) are a bigger problem than any strays. From your previous post, you are looking to come over at a good time of year, so you perhaps can see for yourself if it's a problem for you.

Sat, 10/10/2015 - 12:59

Well you are very wise to come and see the place out of season... It's difficult to advise anyone in your situation as you are no doubt like we were at the time - caught up in the dream.... It is actually as good as the dream, if not better, but for totally different reasons than we set out with... It's very hard to explain, but the "ideal" place we had in mind, within walking distance of a small village, with shops and cafe. A pool with a reasonable amount of land and good views ... etc. I'm sure it exists, but it might have took us a lot longer than 2 years to find... I would look, and look a lot more.... and more online to find as much information about specific areas. Not knowing about Molise, so talking Abruzzo here.... It's split up in 4 regions, so ideally you would drive around all 4. We looked at the map and based on a lot of web research and visits to all 4, we then looked at a specific area, not coast and not mountain, so middle ground. For us no further north than Atri and no further south than Alanno, east and west was Bisenti and Cita sant Angelo, so a tight area. To be honest you could pick any area, but most important is the actual house location. By that I mean does it sit in a shaded valley, is it built to capture maximum sun in winter and minumum in summer. There are so many (and I wish we knew them all before we bought - but were lucky) that it would take an age to explain it all... However DONT be put off, it's a great point in your adventure, just do not get carried away... We were once told the average is 5-7 years that buyers last before their return to the UK. This has been shown from people we have since met to be a very, very true range...  Been here getting on 5 and don't regret it a jot! 2 years to go.... devil

Fri, 10/09/2015 - 17:18

I don't know much (make that anything) about Molise, but we decided the further South the more problems there seemed to be with water shortages... The only other aspects were earthquakes where we knew only too well about the worries after arriving here on vacation the day after the L'Aquila quake and having to drive from Rome with the motorway swaying in aftershocks. The other aspect was pollution which we read about on the web, but it seemed to be shrouded in secrecy. It appeared to be in a large area in and around Bussi, but last time I looked most of the results has gone! There are restrictions inside the Nationa Park which made us avoid looking too close. However when you get down to real detail, the next hill can be the difference between an ideal house and the also ran on the next hill... A lot depends on what you are after e.g. to live here, rent, invest etc.... We looked at the maps, decided we had enough of the coast (seaside) in England (lived 5 mins from it), mountains looked remote, so had an area drawn on Google maps of what was left in the middle.

Thu, 10/08/2015 - 04:03

Try the yellow pages even if it is just a service place I'm sure they will tell you where to buy locally. Else any big supermarket (IPER here in Abruzzo) will sell them, but expensive for delivery if you can't get it in your car...

Sun, 10/04/2015 - 04:56

This LINK may might provide some help, but I suspect it will vary from Comune to Comune.

Thu, 10/01/2015 - 09:05

THis guy might be able to help you, never used his removal service, but he has picked up goods for us here in Italy, which was very good indeed. Duncan van2europe@gmail.comtel: 3927841285 (Italy)    07925 346046 (UK)

Thu, 10/01/2015 - 09:03

THis guy might be able to help you, never used his removal service, but he has picked up goods for us here in Italy, which was very good indeed. Duncan van2europe@gmail.comtel: 3927841285 (Italy)    07925 346046 (UK)

Wed, 09/30/2015 - 16:50

If you are not going to be living there just now (not resident), then you would likely pay IMU as well as TASI. If we were also paying it we would be looking at around €750+ total for TARI, TASI and IMU.

Tue, 09/29/2015 - 18:24

Go on to any Comune site where you are interested in buying and look for IUC (Imposta Unica Comunale), which you will find is house tax made up of TASI, IMU and TARI. The latter is rubbish tax and the other two house tax. The TARI is based on SQM, not sure about the other 2, but they both are also based on the castrale value which is normally less than the actual value. You would need to know this to work out the house tax. So likely you will not have any idea until you have a place you want to buy. However, unless it has a swimming pool and/or classed as luxury you are likely looking at less than any UK house... For a 260sqm house in Abruzzo , Teramo we paid under €500 for combined TASI and TARI, nothing for IMU as our comune had no charge for residents main house. HTH

Mon, 09/28/2015 - 17:04

... or hire a car at the airport and park up - as per this LINK However I would seriously suggest you check the roads/route on Google street view as likely they could be very basic in parts...