Penny's activity

Questions Asked

There is a lot of speculation around but it seems certain that ICI will return on the prima casa although at a lower rate than previously.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 11:55

There was a change the Codice Stradale last year and now Regions can set their own rules for use of snow chains and/or snow tyres.

Tue, 11/29/2011 - 10:49

When walking in the woods in the mountains this weekend we saw a tree I have never seen before. It has leaves like a birch and hadfruit growing in clusters.

Sun, 11/20/2011 - 17:48

Does anyone use ENI for gas & electricity? I fancy their new boiler deal but you need to be a client of gas and electricity.

Fri, 11/18/2011 - 08:25
Tue, 08/30/2011 - 10:20

Hi, sorry for the short notice (only just seen the poster) but there is a meeting tonight at 9pm regarding healthcare in this area. It will be attended by the Vice President of the Marche Regon & the Marche Health Assessor.

Fri, 06/03/2011 - 04:47

Can anyone in or around Ventimiglia tell me what it is like getting over the border to France/Monaco at the moment? We have a small baby and don't want to get stuck on a train/in the car for hours at some checkpoint. Thanks

Wed, 04/20/2011 - 09:30

Hi, could someone help with some translation please? I have a quote from a geometra but I don't understand the first 2 items and how they differ from the other 3.

Fri, 04/01/2011 - 10:28

Did anyone go to the meeting in the town hall last Monday about parking in Amandola? I couldn't go but wondered what was said.

Wed, 02/02/2011 - 12:40

Comments posted

Wed, 04/20/2011 - 17:43

Thanks Sprostoni (great website) but unfortunately no webcams on the French/Ligurian border :-( Casa Monal - we were thinking more in terms of the stops and controls the French have been doing due to the immigrants/refugees gathering in Ventimiglia and trying to get into France. Just didn't fancy getting caught up in all that.

Answer to: tree
Mon, 04/18/2011 - 12:26

I thinks it's a mulberry or a 'mora' in Italian.

Mon, 04/18/2011 - 05:48

I agree with Fillide. Most of the Tunisians seem to want to head to France were they have family and at least can speak the language. As the French decided to setup border patrols and none of the EU countries were helping with a huge influx of people (but at the same time loudly complaining that Italy had agreements with North African countries to send migrants back - gone quiet in that front strangely), Italy took the matter into their own hands in what I consider to be creative thinking and gave them temporary papers. The French have no basis upon which to refuse them entry unless they leave the Schengen agreement.

Mon, 04/11/2011 - 11:10

There is no requirement to put the Camera di Commercio details on your website but you are required by law to put your P.IVA and contact details. It may be because not every profession needs a registration. For example, I am not required to register despite being fully legal here.

Mon, 04/11/2011 - 05:24

Badger, you an look anyone in Italy up here: You will need to know their trading name,

Fri, 04/08/2011 - 16:21

All his contact details are on the website. I have never used him as an agent but I have met him a couple of times so he definitely exists! He is registered with the Camera di Commercio for "COMPRAVENDITA DI IMMOBILI (DAL 21.3.2005)". Not sure what other registrations you would want from an estate agent.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 09:42

That's interesting RAM. I was told that there would be no fines but that if they were not registered by the deadline (which keeps moving) then you leave yourself open to the Agenzia del Territorio doing the accatatamento for you (likely to be unfavourable) and sending you the bill. I was also advised that if the current owners send n a form saying the accatastamento is in progress then this would prevent the Agenzia del Territorio from taking action for a few months. Is this your understanding?

Mon, 04/04/2011 - 15:58

Thanks folks. I think it's expensive too. RAM - The rural building is not on the list of case fantasme but has never been registered on the urban register either. Strictly speaking I don't think we need to do it as my OH will be regsitered as a farmer and it is a farm building BUT we want to convert it to habitable space so it is cheaper to get it done before we do the atto I believe. Thanks for the explanantion Fillide - the maglia fiduciale had me completely stumped! The reason I think it's dear is because the volumes are tiny. Just 2 outbuildings of approx 12 sqm each and a rural building of 100sqm. I only paid €1300 for the accatastamento of a great big 550sqm farmhouse so it has left me scratching my head. Maybe it's the 'riviera' factor in Liguria??

Answer to: Renting
Fri, 04/01/2011 - 10:23

Yes, their fees are tax deductable! It's foohardy not to have an accountant Bunterboy. If you make a mistake with your taxes or get something wrong then it is extremely costly. Tax fines are in the region of 30% plus fees and interest not to mention the fact that the taxman can decide you have underdeclared and send you a bill accordingly. He does not need to prove this - you have to prove that you haven't! Personally, I don't understand how the average person affords anything in this country as it is so expensive.

Answer to: Renting
Fri, 04/01/2011 - 09:45

It's miniscule Bunterboy. About €800 for a child and the same for a dependent adult plus that is only if you earn less than €15,000 pa. If you earn more then the allowances are less. You can decut many more items than in the UK but it is INPS that is the killer. If you are fortunate enough to not have to pay a minimum sum (which is payable regardless of whether you make any money or even bill a penny) then it is approx 25% on top of the IRPEF and local taxes. The info on Angloinfo is often out of date unfortunately. The section on residency is very out of date for example. A good accountant is vital here.