Penny's activity

Questions Asked

Someone just pointed this out on Facebook. Do not look if you are squeamish. How utterly disgusting.

Fri, 01/28/2011 - 10:58

I saw something very briefly about this on the news today. I believe it is an anti-tax evasion law. Anyone know anything about it? Have I misunderstood? Are they actually referring to the requirement to declare any money sent abroad?

Tue, 12/28/2010 - 12:56

160 square metres of scaffolding for sale. Includes adjustable feet, frames, metal planks, safety railings etc. Paid over €5,500 when purchased brand new.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 09:12

I posted a letter today and was told in the Post Office that all the CAP codes for all towns in Fermo & Ascoli provinces had been changed. For example Amandola has gone from 63021 to 63857. I think it also affects other regions too.

Sat, 11/20/2010 - 17:21

Cycling Business For Sale Great opportunity to buy all the equipment plus website/domain/logo/marketing for an existing cycling business in the Sibillini National Park.

Sun, 10/10/2010 - 06:21

There is a new Fitness centre & spa opening in Piane di Montegiorgio at the end of September: It's a bit expensive but it looks like it might be good and ther

Sun, 08/29/2010 - 12:54

Who is affected:

  1. Permanent residents (over 5 years of residence) who do not already have an insription into the SSN with no expiry date
  2. Who are EU citizens and
Tue, 06/08/2010 - 08:42

OK, it's been a while since I did an update but the Mayor of Amandola had very kindly agreed to take it up with ASUR13 on my behalf so I was waiting for him. He unfortunately got no further and was given the same reason of needing to "count" us as

Tue, 06/08/2010 - 08:03

Just wondered if anyone knows if our baby will be able to be an Italian citizen or not. The Consulate website is a bit unclear. I was under the impression our child could only claim citizenship at the age of 18 as per below: "1.

Thu, 03/11/2010 - 09:49

I am posting this on behalf of someone else. They have various items of furniture and materials for a renovation for sale. Here is a rough list but for full details, please PM me and I will pass your details on to the owner.

Sun, 02/07/2010 - 05:37

Comments posted

Sat, 06/27/2009 - 04:40

We were there last week and they are having a Friday night special dinner, each Friday for €15. A complete bargain!

Sat, 06/27/2009 - 04:31

qui-gia' I am afraid that is not correct. The Permesso di Soggiorno has been abolished but when it expires, so does your libretto sanitaria and therefore your entitlement to healthcover. The permesso has been replaced by a straightforward residency document (so it hasn't completely disappeared, just morphed into something else).  As ever in Italy, thing sare not as straightforward as they seem and the anagrafe offices seem to know very little. It has taken 2 months for ours to get around to reading the laws and circulars and agree I am right. It is vitally important that you go to the comune to get the "Attestazione di soggiorno permanente". If you don't, then your registration with the SSN will be cancelled after 30 days and they will not accept a Cart d'Identita to reinstate it. Your comune is probably under the belief that beacuse you are resident, when your permesso runs out you will still be resident and so don't need to do anything. In one respect this is true but the sticking point is the healthcover which must be renewed within 30 days of expiry or by taking the "Attestazione di soggiorno permanente" to the ASUR office. A friend of mine believed the same as you and did nothing when his permesso ran out. The comune (admittedly not known for it's helpfulness) cancelled his residency and he had to start from the beginning as if he had just arrived in Italy and reapply for residency. They would not budge. Ridiculous but true and how do you fight it? A&R - will do as you suggest

Sat, 06/27/2009 - 04:22

I agree Serge, it is dificult. The problem with the UK -IN-ITALY website, that I found is their English version of our healthcare rights is correct but the Italian version is a completely different document (and not of any help). Very misleading unless your Italian is OK. I guess they have the same problem as us!

Fri, 06/26/2009 - 09:30

The problem is qui gia', your carta d'identita is nothing to do with either your permission to stay in Italy nor your right to healthcare. You still need to ask for an "attestazione di soggiorno permanente" and then take that to the ASUR or your health cover will be cancelled as it expires with your permesso. Shall I count you as 1 or 2 on the list? A&R - I don't think we can have stickies on this new site. I am trying to keep it all under the Health section except this particular post is quite specific to Marche as other Regions seem to not be causing people a problem. Any suggestions for making it tidier are definitely gratefully received. Do you think it merits a separate group?

Fri, 06/26/2009 - 06:20

Please look at this:document explaining your health care rights (in English) It explains your healthcare options in English if you are a UK citizen.

Answer to: Pet Healing
Fri, 06/26/2009 - 06:18

I did one of the Tellington Touch courses for domestic pets and it was quite incredible. The change in the animals we worked with was very dramatic. My own dog (who at the time wasa lot younger and a lot more boisterous) was very calm during the course. I still use one of the techniques on him during thunder storms (which he hates). Mostly he will be so calm he goes to sleep during them!

Fri, 06/26/2009 - 06:16

Why are you having to take out a private medical insurance at all? You should only need one if you are not an EU citizen or did not pay National Insurance contributions in your own country. If you are an EU citizen and paid NI in your home country (or are in receipt of a state pension) you are entitled to free cover due to the contributions you have already paid at home. You just need to produce the relevant document (E121, E120, E126 etc.) proving this from your own country. The length of the cover depends on your situation.  If you tell us your nationality and whether you are retired and in receipt of a state pension, here working or are elective residents (with your own means of support) then I can point you to the correct bit of the documentation and the correct E number form.

Thu, 06/25/2009 - 11:40

Please see my other post for all the relevant documents (some in English) to take to the anagrafe office:

Thu, 06/25/2009 - 11:33

I have put an update to my quest for health cover on my other post :-)

Thu, 06/25/2009 - 11:32

Well, the women behind the desk in Ascoli referred us to the direttore. We went and saw her and she said they have a "deroga" here in Marche to say that they need to count how many european citizens are resident in the Ascoli Piceno health authority - hence us having to renew our libretto every year. She explained this as an extra requirement, over and above the legal requirements. We got partial success as she agreed that my friend, who is neither retired nor working, is entitled to health cover but again only for 12 months. I explained to the direttore that we have no objection to going to the ASUR office every year and saying "we're still here" but under no circumstances should we be required to produce proof of income and other docs every year as this is clearly against the law, which says we are entitled to a permanent registration. (Always better to compromise in my opinion). She said she would review both the law and their deroga and internal regulations and call me. In summary - not a "No" I suppose but not entirely satisfactory.