Penny's activity

Questions Asked

OK - I am not enjoying the earthquakes now. Very unsettling. 6th one today (apparently) and the last one was a very strong 4. They are all around Mogliano & Loro Piceno. Are they bothering anyone else more since Aquila?

Tue, 01/12/2010 - 10:33

Hi, I am trying to get a list of people affected by the refusal of ASUR 13 & 12 (Ascoli & San Benedetto) to give us permanent residents permanent health cover.

Mon, 12/14/2009 - 09:44

I heard again today that the property market is moving again here in Southern Marche. I am not talking of foreign buyers but just the general property market. Good news for us sellers!

Tue, 11/24/2009 - 08:02

Just an update on the health situation.

Sat, 11/14/2009 - 13:47

Apparently Dustin Hoffman is going to be promoting our region in a new TV commercial:

Thu, 10/15/2009 - 04:36

Does anyone know a good optician in the South Marche area?

Tue, 10/13/2009 - 10:34

Can someone explain to me why my posts in the Marche Healthcare groups are appearing so many times please? Thanks

Sun, 09/20/2009 - 18:28

OK - an update on my fight for a permanent inscription in the health service here that is not good news I am afraid.This morning I went back to Dott.ssa Saldari at Ascoli as advised by Dott.ssa Carletti at the Marche Regione (she is responsible fo

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 09:45

We're letting our shop go in Sarnano. It just didn't bring us any more business so we can't justify the cost.

Sun, 09/13/2009 - 04:55

I went on Tusday back to try to see the director of the health authority that I had previously spoken two and who seemed to never return my calls or be there when I called. Guess what? She wasn't there!

Thu, 08/27/2009 - 02:02

Comments posted

Wed, 11/30/2011 - 11:50

Flip, I agree that the likelihood of being pulled over when it is not snowing or icy is less but the police are actually able to fine you on the roads listed and during the periods listed even if it is not snowing. You have no way of knowing when you set off on a long journey whether it is going to snow or not so personally I would prefer to carry chains/have snow tyres for purely safety reasons not just to avoid being fined.

Wed, 11/30/2011 - 08:10

In theory yes Pamela. Check your route and the regions you pass through to see what the rules are on which roads. Either buy chains or risk the fine which might actually cost less :-)

Wed, 11/30/2011 - 06:28

Fillide, you just need tyres with the snowflake mark to comply with the legislation. They do not need to be studded. Also the problem with chains is you have to keep taking them off and putting them on if you are in an area with intermittent snow. No fun in cold weather! Where we live you need the winter tyres in winter. €78 fine and 2 points off your licence if you get caught without them.

Tue, 11/29/2011 - 15:13

I suspect if it doesn't say then you can't use them. They are only any good in areas where there is constant lying snow. So, if you're on a road where there is some snow then not, the parts that have no snow wreck the 'socks' eventually. That is how my Noregian friends explained it to me. In Italy they have to have either a Ö-NORM or CUNA approval to be legal in Italy and I can't find any snow socks that are.

Fri, 11/25/2011 - 07:59

I would try TI again as someone nearby may have paid to get connected and made it easier for you since 2008/9. You never know! I also work from home for clients in London via the internet and know how frustrating it can be. I would, however stick to Telecom if humanly possible as the one time I used someone else I got caught in endless conversations where the other company blamed Telecom and telecom blamed the other company etc.... although you wouldn't have a Telecom line with Tooway so maybe that would be better. Also if you have a business Telecom service they have to repair the line within certain timeframes or pay you compensation. On a residential line they don't. The thing that would put me off Tooway (and I did look at it when I was thinking of buying a country house) is their 'Volume Allowance' Policy. I would use it for work and what if they decide that I use it too much? They would then downgrade my speed/access. On their website it states you can recieve Tv via the satellite but it would obviously be Italian TV and whatever European channels can be got as here in Marche we can't get the BBC/ITV reception so not sure if that is good enough for you to replace SKY?

Thu, 11/24/2011 - 14:09

You're in Ripatransone aren't you? Telecom Italia have coverage in that town. Are you in the country? Is that why you can't get it? I doubt you will find a wireless provider in your area if Telecom already cover it but it is worth a search. Have you asked the neighbours? How about an internet key? If you have decent reception then these work really well. I have worked with mine and watched TV on it. There aren't many suppliers of Satellite broadband (especially at a reasonable cost). Marche is going to digital TV next month so how about a digital receiever instead of SKY? You could watch UK tv online once you get your fast internet connection.

Tue, 11/22/2011 - 16:37

Lovely photos Anne.

Answer to: Unusual tree
Tue, 11/22/2011 - 16:33

OK - not sure if we're getting closer or further away to be honest. The fruit grows just like a wampee but they were not translucent and were a bright apple green colour. The wampee fruit looked like some kind of gooseberry. The birch-like leaves might be a red-herring as the tree was mingled with lots of others. The tree is a hour's drive away but next time I am over that way I wll definitely take a photo if it's still in fruit! Driving me mad :-)

Answer to: Unusual tree
Mon, 11/21/2011 - 07:14

Thanks Fillide but that's not it either as the fruit grow like grapes in bunches. I've never seen anything like it. Wish I'd taken a photo now!

Answer to: Unusual tree
Mon, 11/21/2011 - 05:49

No, it's not a walnut. I know those and the fruit are ripe and have mostly fallen here. Not crab apples as they don't grow in clusters like grapes. These grew just like very large grapes. Most odd.