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Questions Asked

Hi Views on the above, do people feel they do not always get replies? Of course it is difficult as people just may not answer, but the numbers may tell...

Sat, 05/08/2010 - 13:46

Comments posted

Mon, 06/10/2019 - 08:39

Ugo I'm saying think twice about getting Italian citizenship!

Mon, 06/10/2019 - 07:21

Our bank at the time we paid council tax (Posta) had on-line access and a specific F24 payment facility, it was all really easy for us to do. As Ugo has said the comune should send you a bill for TARI, but I see the calco site has an option for it. It is worth a try getting the comune to email the bill to you as suggested by Ugo as we know a few who do this. Not paid this ourselves for a few years now, but yes the rate could change in the second half, but for us it never did. Others here will correct me if this is no longer the case, but if you simply pay for the year and then later pay any difference (fine included), any fine will only be on the difference and very little.

Mon, 06/10/2019 - 05:41

Wait and see if the tax situation changes, then again there will be nothing stopping it going back!

Mon, 06/10/2019 - 05:23

Babs, if you don’t want to work it out yourself (using this calculation site here), then I would get a new accountant solely for one of you if they charge per person and just double their calculation. Make sure you are paying everything i.e. as a none resident you will be due IMU and TASI and possibly TARI (rubbish tax). We have friends who do 6 months on 6 months in the UK over winter so miss their tax in winter only. On return they go to the CAFF to have the tax calculated (yes, I’ve told them it’s easy to do yourselfwink) and then pay the winter part with the additional (according to them) small fine. Have you tried contacting the comune? We used to email them and they would come back with the amount and we paid via our bank account there. A bit more difficult paying of course if you don't have an Italian account.

Sun, 06/09/2019 - 17:47

Not too sure I understand? If you own 50% each, then any Comune tax IMU/TASI is 50% each i.e. you only need one calculation. The calculation by the way is quite straightforward, paying it is another matter, but depending on how much you pay and how often you are there, any fine for late payment is likely less than your fees...

Fri, 06/07/2019 - 15:40

I'm with Ugo on this...Is the 5% something you have calculated on the price? I only ask as most have a minimum charge if the price is low.

Fri, 06/07/2019 - 15:32


Fri, 06/07/2019 - 05:23

Great information Ugo, I'm sure such service would be attractive to many an ex-UK resident where things are a little different to Italy.

Fri, 06/07/2019 - 05:18

Sorry robbiemarche I totally misread your post. Our daughter married in Italy 2007, so a while now and had never even been on holiday there let alone resident. So no, you don't need to be Italian resident, although I'm sure they did have to spend a few days there prior for some reason.

Mon, 06/03/2019 - 13:50

An expert on the subject, worth looking into.