NonnaLou's activity

Questions Asked

We are a British couple living in Lazio.  We are animal lovers, so when we moved to live in Italy we brought our own 2 pet dogs with us. But we were deeply saddened by the number of stray, unwanted dogs that there are in I

Tue, 02/22/2011 - 13:25

Ciao to all animal lovers !!!We are an English Couple who now live in South Lazio.  We currently have 11 members of our "Woof-Gang".We are the owners of 6 and have adopted 5 strays.  We never intended to have so many, it sort of just happened !!!Y

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 13:48

Ciao everyone,  Just to say Hi !!!  I have always felt that Bella Italia is "in my blood". We have been living in Italy for more than 4 years now.   The place we chose to call our new home is the small town of Itr

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 13:05

Comments posted

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 17:11

Do try to venture a little further south, towards Sperlonga / Gaeta, and not forgetting Bella Itri, even further south, to Formia, Maranola, Minturno etc.This area is still largely a hidden gem to foreign visitors, but has so much to offer: natural beauty, beautiful beaches and coastline, historic towns and villages, unspoiled mountains and nature reserves, places of special historical interest throughout the ages, so much to discover. This I am trying to capture in my new website: I am also passionate about CASSINO, ATINA AND THE VAL DI COMINO in Frosinone.  My ancestors came from this wonderful area:http://atina.shapcott-family.comIt would be great to keep in touch and perhaps try to meet up at some time.Perhaps youn could help us learn about more of your area too.Anyway, Ciao for now,Louie and Paul  

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 16:46

Perhaps they are just tapping in to a huge olive oil lake ???

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 15:15

Hi,  Whereabouts in South Lazio did you stay and explore?

We live in Itri, in South Lazio, close to Sperlonga and its glorious sandy beaches.

We are passionate about this area.  We came here on holiday and liked it so much we decided to make it our home.

I am currently putting together an English website about the SOUTH LAZIO area:


Answer to: snakes
Wed, 09/30/2009 - 14:29

Earlier this year one of our dogs was bitten by a viper - and believe me a Viper's bite is no laughing matter !!!You can read about our experience at our Blog: dog almost died, it was nigh on impossible to find any Viper Anti-venom.  It seems there is a worldwide shortage of the stuff.My advice is If you get bitten by a Viper head straight for Pronto Socorso. It is particularly dangerous for small children or people with existing health problems.Wear strong shoes or boots, not open shoes / sandals and avoid walking about in long grass.I usually stomp about alot hoping to frighten off anything that may be lurking in the undergrowth !!!We too have seen long black snakes on our land, in Italian I think they are known as a Biscia, apparently they are pretty harmless, and are rather timid.  Usually they come near the house when it is very hot during the summer and they are looking for water.This year there also seem to be lots of Calabrone / hornets.