Centauro's activity

Questions Asked

Hello Everyone. I'm Centauro. My partner and I have been visiting as guests for some time now. So far we have been lucky enough to have had several short breaks in Italy and we absolutely fell in love with the country and its people.

Sat, 01/02/2010 - 07:17

Comments posted

Sun, 08/08/2010 - 16:29

Edited Out.  Sorry. False hopes raised.... will keep trying. Ok. You can find a brochure here;-  http://www.leroymerlin.it/flipping/flipping_lavori_estivi_2010_naz/index... If you click on the grey button(bottom left) marked Scarica Il PDF, you can save a copy to your PC.

Answer to: going fishing
Fri, 08/06/2010 - 09:45

If you're a fly-fisherman, then you'll know just how unpredictable flies can be from one stretch of water to the next. My best advice would be to consult one of the locals who will no doubt be only to pleased to reccomend a pattern suitable for the local lakes & rivers for that particular time of year. More often than not, it's usually sound advice derived from years of experience. Likewise, try the local tackle shops who will no doubt have a good stock of sucessful local pattern flies, lures and effective baits. yes There's nothing illegal about using artificial maggots (except where they might be subject to a local ban) plastic or otherwise, I've used them in the past with some success, I've even had a number of fine catches using nothing more than the common house fly straight out of the catch-tray of my electric bug zapper.enlightened Regards smiley

Thu, 07/08/2010 - 15:42

I know I don't post on the community board very often, so I don't have much cause for complaint per se. However, I'm confused about the apparent need for a re-design. Isn't this version of the old forum supposed to be THE redesign? Though what does need addressing IMHO is the speed (or lack of) that members questions/requests are addressed by this community's administrators. frown

Sat, 04/10/2010 - 17:52

Di niente Geoff. yes But I can't take the credit. Kudos belongs to one of my on-line contacts who dug up the info. I'll pass on your thanks asap.   Good luck with the rest of your research.   Regards. Centauro smiley

Sat, 04/10/2010 - 15:34

Geoff. Further to my earlier reply take a look at this PDF document, I regret that it's in Italian but it deals with the precise camp that you are interested in. If you know any Italian speakers, perhaps one of them might be able to translate it for you, I'm afraid my Italian doesn't stretch nearly far enough. http://www.gramscibergamo.it/INIZIATIVE/20090425/20090425_mostra.pdf     Regards. Centauro.

Fri, 04/09/2010 - 17:53

Hi Geoff. As far as I can tell, the Pow Camp PG62 was located in/around Grumilina (Bergamo). The /33 element of the camp's number refers to it being a satellite of the main PG62 camp. There are seven known satellite camps including Gamba, Cremona and Torbole for PG62 usually work camps coming under the supervision of the main camp, hence PG62/1, PG62/2, PG62/3 etc, etc. If your camp number (/33) is correct, then this would suggest that there are many more. One possibility is that /33 might be a sub-unit of the third satellite camp to PG62 ie PG62/3-3. There are some other sources that I can tap into for information, so If I find out anything more I'll post it here in your thread. Regards.

Fri, 02/19/2010 - 17:07

Beeryspice. Thank you so much for your reply. My partner says that except for the colour differences, that is exactly what they look like, and from what you say they sound ideal for our purposes. Fortunately I'm fairly certain that the floor has a concrete base so it looks like these tiles could be an ideal solution providing we can get them at the right price of course. Once again thank you for your kind advice.

Fri, 02/19/2010 - 11:55

Hello Beeryspice and welcome from another newbie to this community. Your introductory post came at a very opportune moment for us and I hope that you won't feel ill of me if I seek your professional advice. Let me explain. My partner and I have decided to replace the laminate flooring in the conservatory with tiles. We have seen those available from the usual suppliers and there are some that we really like. However my partner knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, if you get my drift, who has offered us something he called 'Italian Tarasso' (?). He has been shown a sample and describes them as  8 to 10 inches square & a ½ inch thick and he was told are marble chips set in some sort of cement and then polished. Sorry to have rambled on but, would you have any idea if this type of tile might be suitable for our conservatory. I just wonder if given the weather over here (UK) the polish would wear well in a heavy traffic area which is frequently quite wet, or even if they are likely to be Italian at all? Thanks in anticipation or, our sincere apologies if this post is inappropriate.

Sat, 01/02/2010 - 10:40

Thanks everyone for your generous welcome. We're looking forward to getting to 'know' you all. :)