User Activity

Angie and Robert replied to a question: Slow page loading with: "Your new group is there Russ,"
Angie and Robert replied to a question: Going for an Indian... with: "Goodness, I do grow my own"
Angie and Robert replied to a question: OAP pensions with: "Have just come across TPAS an"
Angie and Robert replied to a question: English Library at Lago San Ruffino Marche with: "One of the books I borrowed"
Angie and Robert replied to a question: Excellent Zucchini Recipe with: "This is very much like the"
Angie and Robert replied to a question: L'Aquila new quake... with: "I too hope all is well,"
Angie and Robert replied to a question: Banana and Nutella pizza with: "Please pass on Alma, we need"
Angie and Robert replied to a question: TV gone bust? advice please with: "Thanks all, Phil where do you"
Angie and Robert replied to a question: Where is everybody? with: "I was looking for an old post"
Angie and Robert replied to a question: Ciao, amici italofili with: "Welcome to the community,"