User Activity
atessa replied to a question: Hi everyone /new to site,Just bought house in Abruzzo with: "sand blasting/stonework"
atessa replied to a question: Atto catastrale with: "land deeds"
atessa replied to a question: Implications of becoming a resident with: "Implications of becoming a resident."
atessa replied to a question: Changing £s into Euros with: "Exchange rates / commission"
atessa replied to a question: Chuck out the gas bombola with: "Heat pump or back to basics?"
atessa replied to a question: What would you think of this property, with: "Hi Steve this is my first"
atessa posted a question: Hi everyone /new to site,Just bought house in Abruzzo_title
atessa posted a question: Free energy at no cost_title
atessa posted a question: The great debate.Solar panels/Energy at no cost_title