User Activity
Badger replied to a question: Getting BBC IPlayer in Italy with: "Pas55. Did try it, but it is"
Badger replied to a question: Getting BBC IPlayer in Italy with: "As I understand, it is for"
Badger replied to a question: IVA on New Build - what is the rate? with: "Just to further clarify, from"
Badger replied to a question: Buongiorno, no, non posso - thats not my gas bill?! with: "3 hours a day, with hot water"
Badger replied to a question: Biometric Passport with: "Passport Renewal"
Badger replied to a question: leroy merlin online? with: "(No subject)"
Badger replied to a question: prescription charges with: "Hospitals"
Badger replied to a question: Free energy at no cost with: "Water Heating versus House Heating"
Badger replied to a question: Wax vs Solvent-based Chemical to seal cotto floor with: "Sealing tiles"
Badger replied to a question: Information on alternative energy solutions with: "Geothermal"