User Activity
Badger replied to a question: Integration with: "Well, no comments back from"
Badger replied to a question: rain with: "Thanks Alan H"
Badger replied to a question: Chicken wire with: "Agree, a feramenta should"
Badger replied to a question: How many kilowatts? At what price!!! with: "Have been trying to find full"
Badger replied to a question: Snow tyres and chains with: "Further to Pennys post, I saw"
Badger replied to a question: In floor heating with: "There does seem to be mixed"
Badger replied to a question: Carbon Based Heating systems - Anybody use em? with: "Be carefull with the choice"
Badger replied to a question: TV Reception. with: "Did any of the suggestions"
Badger replied to a question: Football ? with: "Suggest you get your"
Badger replied to a question: How to live frugally in Italy with: "Eat Cous Cous"