User Activity
LargeLewis replied to a question: Does anyone have an e-mail address for with: "Well done, looking on the"
LargeLewis replied to a question: Hi, I wondered if anyone could help me/ with: "Hi Graham, best of luck in"
LargeLewis replied to a question: Hi folks,I'm doing my due diligence with: "James, for the little it is"
LargeLewis replied to a question: Hello everyone, My family is with: "Ha!"
LargeLewis replied to a question: IMU... TASI... TARES... IUC... I am with: "Now, now Modi.... But of"
LargeLewis replied to a question: Hi all you lucky people already living with: "There are a lot of English"
LargeLewis replied to a question: I'm looking for a 2 bedroom, 1 bath with: "Where would you like to be,"
LargeLewis replied to a question: Looking at best deal to get a phone with: "Yep around where in Abruzzo.."
LargeLewis replied to a question: Does anyone know what this insect is with: "Mud Dauber. Looks like one of"
LargeLewis replied to a question: Prior to arriving in Italy, how does with: "I think the answer to the"