User Activity

Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: What's wrong? with: "  Thank you for answering"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Boundaries being reset ? with: "To increase tourism there"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Cold Feet or What? with: "  Beery spice, I think"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Bye Bye Pope !! with: "Beppe Grillo per Papa"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: POPE FRANCIS with: ""It is obvious that his"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Private E-mails with: " "
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: What are some people like.... with: "OMG who cares! why do you"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: where and why? with: "if you are working, you buy"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Boundaries being reset ? with: "I'm up for a fight. Anything"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Cold Feet or What? with: "you'll never be Italian."