User Activity
Ronald replied to a question: An Italian Wedding with: "translation"
Ronald replied to a question: British Institute - Rimini with: " Only think we can say is"
Ronald replied to a question: Something REALLY simple ? with: " Hi,I think the problem is a"
Ronald replied to a question: common assumptions undone with: "have to agree with Giovanni -"
Ronald replied to a question: Working in Italy? with: " I would look into it in"
Ronald replied to a question: common assumptions undone with: "judges and police have"
Ronald replied to a question: 7 Italian Wonders with: " I am sure many would agree"
Ronald replied to a question: Kercher case verdict to avoid brutta figura? with: " Not sure if the real story"
Ronald replied to a question: Problems again. with: "Aware of it"
Ronald replied to a question: Kercher case verdict to avoid brutta figura? with: "Some really interesting"