User Activity

stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Hi, we have recently had our with: "If in Italy go to your local"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: I would be in Bolzano, Italy, for 4 with: "I would wait until nearer the"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Hi, My wife is a dual citizen of Italy with: "Can't help you with the visa"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: hey kitty girls! my ex husband scott with: "Cut down on the booze...?"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Hello, I'm new to this site but with: "For many, many a reason, this"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Does anybody know if Brexit is with: "I’ve no doubt Brexit will"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Ciao     Modicasa In with: "The Companies I mention cover"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Buona giornata a tutti voi,with Brexit with: "Wait and see if the tax"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: I am renovating my house in the Borgo with: "Use google translate to write"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Budget for buying a farmhouse to with: "Modi, are you saying the"