User Activity

stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: 'Residential' versus 'fiscal' residenza with: "Hmmm Ram"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Satellite Broadband with: "Where are you and ..."
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: IMU declaration with: "Would a notaio be best to answer this"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Is it worth the bother? with: "Some people have no problems"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Residency with: "It wont be easy..."
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: pls help an idiot forum user... with: "Not too sure what you are doing..."
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Hi. We have just moved to Palombaro, with: "Very sorry I can't directly"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: We are thinking of buying a small place with: "I don't think much has"
stevegwmonkseaton replied to a question: Has anyone had a stall at a local fair with: "DV is this your new hideout?"