by Myra Robinson |
I wonder how many readers of Italy Magazine dream of owning property in Italy and living their dream? Well, I have done precisely that, and have many tales to…
by Silvia Donati |
Teresa Pini was 85 years old and, for 20 years, was the only year-round resident of Braia, a village near Pontremoli, in the Lunigiana area of northern Tuscany…
by Silvia Donati |
Between water and sky, the village of Orta San Giulio offers a perfect setting for a romantic walk, even more so in November, in the quiet of the low season.…
by Silvia Donati |
Hop in the car, drive the countryside roads, enjoy the fall colors and stop at one of these charming villages for a dive into the past and a taste of delicious…
by Silvia Donati |
Rated among the most beautiful ‘borghi’ (historic villages) of Italy, Savoca in Sicily isn’t overrun with tourists, which has helped maintain a relaxed…
by Silvia Donati |
Like many villages in the Apennine mountains of Italy, Santo Stefano di Sessanio risked abandonment. It took the vision of an Italian-Swedish entrepreneur to…
by elisascarton |
Florence is gorgeous in summer. There is no denying it. But you’re not the only one thinking it. As the weather warms up, hordes of visitors descend on Tuscany…
by Silvia Donati |
Italy’s borghi (hamlets) are one of the pleasures of Italian travel, where you can get a more authentic feel for life in the Bel Paese, places where traditions…
by Silvia Donati |
They call it ‘the pearl of the Euganean Hills,’ and indeed Arquà Petrarca has fully preserved its medieval charm; no wonder that it is classified as one of…
by Silvia Donati |
South Tyrol, Italy’s ‘less-Italian’ region, is a fine blend of natural wonders (hello, Dolomites) and historic charm, with its well-groomed mountain villages,…
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