What's on
by John Bensalhia |
Spooky goings on this month in Italy, along with lots of other kinds of festivals to keep everyone entertained during the colder Autumn nights. From ballooning…
by John Bensalhia |
Autumn's here – and September's jam packed with some superb events and festivals that span everything from food to boats to Juliet. John Bensalhia reports.…
by John Bensalhia |
As Kool And The Gang once yahooed, it's a celebration – and one of the most celebratory months of the Italian year is August. Traditional events such as…
by John Bensalhia |
Summer's well and truly here, along with a bunch of hugely popular festivals and events. John Bensalhia takes a look at what's on this month.
It's a month…
by John Bensalhia |
As Summer officially begins, Italy celebrates a number of significant religious and traditional events. John Bensalhia charts some of the most notable examples…
by John Bensalhia |
With the month of May marking out the Spring season as a time of fun, colour and tradition, John Bensalhia looks at some of the best examples of Italian events…
by John Bensalhia |
It's Easter Time this month and there are also many other memorable events and occasions that without a doubt will put a spring in April's step. John Bensalhia…
by John Bensalhia |
Spring begins in March and Italy provides some suitably exciting and traditional events and festivals, not to mention a drop of wine and a taste of fine local…
by John Bensalhia |
John Bensalhia shares the love to be found in Italy this month with an extra Carnival atmosphere...
The shortest month of the year manages to pack an awful…
by Silvia Donati |
Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, currently on the International Space Station on a five-month mission, has joined a global sing-along of John Lennon's…
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