10078 Italian Summer Word Game - Gardening/Gardens

The same rules as with my other Italian Summer Word Game . Answer just one and if possible add a new English word pertaining to gardening/gardens to the list. Have fun.

peach trees
to mow
flower beds
to prune
to cut back
gardening fork
to grow
to propagate.
to water
to weed
to fertilise

Che significa? - Italian Language Queries

Hey come on!!!

peach trees = alberi di pesca
to mow
lawn = prato
flower beds
to prune
to cut back
gardening fork
to grow
to propagate.
to water
to weed
to fertilise

peach trees = alberi di pesca
flowers = fiori
to mow
lawn = prato
flower beds
to prune = tagliare or potare
to cut back = see above
trowel = palletta, and shovel is palla
spade = vanga
gardening fork
hoe = zappa, hence "motozappa"
to grow
to propagate.
to water = irrigare
to weed
to fertilise
pool = piscina

we've had lots of fun buying these things over the past couple of seasons!

Let's see:

peach trees = alberi di pesca ( I would really say "pesco"
flowers = fiori
shrubs = cespugli
plants = piante
blossom = fiori
foliage = fogliame
to mow = tagliare
lawn = prato
flower beds
to prune = tagliare or potare
to cut back = see above
trowel = palletta, and shovel is palla
spade = vanga
gardening fork ..... I think it could be "forchetta".... not sure
hoe = zappa, hence "motozappa"
to grow = coltivare
to propagate = propagare
to water = irrigare
to weed = diserbare
to fertilise = fertilizzare
path = in a garden "vialetto"
pool = piscina

I don't know whether I am supposed to add more words......:wideeyed:

As you can see, I had a few talks with my neighbour concerning gardening......:laughs:

Yup you better add some more English words, not translated though, Gala so people have some more to guess!!!

OK. I'll give it a go.
Let's see:

peach trees = alberi di pesca ( I would really say "pesco"
flowers = fiori
shrubs = cespugli
plants = piante
blossom = fiori
foliage = fogliame
to mow = tagliare
lawn = prato
flower beds
to prune = tagliare or potare
to cut back = see above
trowel = palletta, and shovel is palla
spade = vanga
gardening fork ..... I think it could be "forchetta".... not sure
hoe = zappa, hence "motozappa"
to grow = coltivare
to propagate = propagare
to water = irrigare
to weed = diserbare
to fertilise = fertilizzare
path = in a garden "vialetto"
pool = piscina
palm tree
bark chips
watering can

peach trees = alberi di pesc[B]a[/B] fruits are feminine
flowers = fiori
shrubs = cespugli
plants = piante
blossom = fiori
foliage = fogliame
to mow = tagliare
lawn = prato
flower beds
to prune = tagliare or potare
to cut back = see above
trowel = palletta,
shovel = palla
spade = vanga
gardening fork ..... I think it could be "forchetta".... not sure - forcella di giardinaggio???
hoe = zappa, hence "motozappa"
to grow = coltivare
to propagate = propagare ..... per propagarsi???
to water = irrigare
to weed = diserbare
to fertilise = fertilizzare
(garden) path = vialetto
pool = piscina
palm tree
paving (stones)
bark chips
watering can

Hey we need either Juliancoll or Carole B here as arbitrators??? Ob both.

Sally, what I meant is that peach tree is "pesco", no need to put the "albero" bit before.
As you are putting it in the plural... peach trees.... I think that the plural would be peschi, pesco is in the singular.
As for the gardening fork.... I have no idea.....

Sorry Gala I am only able to check on Babelfish hence me calling upon the experts!!! lol



Another wonderful picture. This time - Gardens of Augustus (Giardini Augusto) on the Isle of Capri.


[url=http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://z.about.com/d/cruises/1/0/G/P/3/capri012.jpg&imgrefurl=http://cruises.about.com/od/mediterraneancruises/ig/Capri-Photo-Gallery/capri012.htm&h=375&w=500&sz=62&hl=en&start=37&um=1&tbnid=iqVmwZEJ8SKNTM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgiardini%26start%3D20%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26newwindow%3D1%26safe%3Dactive%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den-us%26sa%3DN]Google Image Result for http://z.about.com/d/cruises/1/0/G/P/3/capri012.jpg[/url]

Cannot reproduce it here as it's copyright,

It would be incorrect to say "pesco"

"peschi" as a plural of peaches is also incorrect but "peschiera" is a fish pond

So what is the correct plural form of "pesca", Juliancoll??? "Pesce"??? Ah well I see why a rule has to be broken as "pesce" is fish.

These are two of the worst word for causing confusion...
This is how they [U]SHOULD[/U] be!!!

[B]Pescheria[/B] = a fish shop
[B]Pesce[/B] = fish
[B]Pesci[/B] = fishes
[B]Pescare[/B] = to fish
[B]e.g. Pesca d'alto mare[/B] = deep-sea fishing

[B]Pesca [/B]= peach
[B]Pesche[/B] = peaches
[B]Nectarine[/B] = pesconoce, pesca nettarina.

'Pesco' = peach tree just as 'pero' = pear tree, 'ciliegio' =cherry tree and 'melo'= apple tree ................ - whilst the fruits are feminine and end in 'a' the trees themselves are male.

Gala is correct - the plural of 'pesco' is definitely 'peschi' - it's amazing what you pick up helping children with Italian grammar homework and proves the worth of an all Italian dictionary!

There is no such thing as "alberi di pesc[B]o[/B]" and I tend to agree with Carole that the plural of peaches is "pesch[B]e[/B]" and not "pesch[B]i[/B]" but as long as you are understood and end up with peaches and not 3 day old fish - then all is well. :smile:

I never said "alberi di pesco" but simply "pesco" and the plural of "pesco" is "peschi" as Anne confirmed. To the best of my knowledge, nobody says "albero (plural "alberi") di..... " followed by the name of the particular fruit as that would be a literal translation from English: peach tree, apple tree, cherry tree. In Italian, as Anne also points out, there is a specific name for each tree: "pesco, melo, ciliegio".
I already discussed this matter some time ago in another thread:

Cool down Gala - no one said that you said "alberi di pesco". :smile:
I was merely pointing out that it would be incorrect to say "alberi di pesco" - I will endeavour to make my posts clearer in future.

No worries, juliancoll. Simply clarifying my position.

My fault Girls, sorry. Awful being human sometimes. Anyway here’s; the list updated.

tree trunks
trees = alberi
peaches = pesche
peach trees = peschi
cherry trees = ciliegi
apricot trees
nectarine = pesconoce, pesca nettarina
nectarine tree
fig trees -
flowers = fiori
flower( buds)
shrubs = cespugli
plants = piante
blossom = fiori
foliage = fogliame
to mow = tagliare
lawn = prato
flower beds
to prune = tagliare or potare
to cut back = see above
trowel = palletta,
shovel = palla
spade = vanga
gardening fork ..... I think it could be "forchetta".... not sure - forcella di giardinaggio???
hoe = zappa, hence "motozappa"
to grow = coltivare
to propagate = propagare ..... per propagarsi???
to water = irrigare
to weed = diserbare
to fertilise = fertilizzare
(garden) path = vialetto
pool = piscina
palm tree
paving (stones)
bark chips
watering can

tree trunks
trees = alberi
peaches = pesche
peach trees = peschi
cherry trees = ciliegi
apricot trees
nectarine = pesconoce, pesca nettarina
nectarine tree
fig trees -
flowers = fiori
flower( buds)
shrubs = cespugli
plants = piante
blossom = fiori
foliage = fogliame
to mow = tagliare
lawn = prato
flower beds
to prune = tagliare or potare
to cut back = see above
trowel = palletta,
shovel = palla
spade = vanga
gardening fork ..... I think it could be "forchetta".... not sure - forcella di giardinaggio???
hoe = zappa, hence "motozappa"
to grow = coltivare
to propagate = propagare ..... per propagarsi???
to water = irrigare
to weed = diserbare
to fertilise = fertilizzare
(garden) path = vialetto
pool = piscina
patio = patio
fence = recinto
fern = felce
palm tree = alberi di palme (pl - more than one frond)
jasmine = gelsomino
paving (stones)
bark chips = pacciamatura di corteccia
pond =
fountain = fontana (s) fontane (pl)
gate =
thorn = spina (s) spine (pl)
watering can = annaffiatoio
bucket = secchio
waterfall = cascata (di acqua) (s) cascate (di acque) (pl)

tree trunks
trees = alberi
peaches = pesche
peach trees = peschi
cherry trees = ciliegi
apricot trees
nectarine = pesconoce, pesca nettarina
nectarine tree
fig = [B]fico (pl.fici) [/B]
fig trees - [B]Fici (Fig tree Fico)[/B]
flowers = fiori
flower( buds)
shrubs = cespugli
plants = piante
blossom = fiori
foliage = fogliame
to mow = tagliare
lawn = prato
flower beds
to prune = tagliare or potare
to cut back = see above
trowel = palletta,
shovel = palla
spade = vanga
gardening fork ..... I think it could be "forchetta".... not sure - forcella di giardinaggio???
hoe = zappa, hence "motozappa"
to grow = coltivare
to propagate = propagare ..... per propagarsi???
to water = irrigare
to weed = diserbare
to fertilise = fertilizzare
(garden) path = vialetto
pool = piscina
patio = patio
fence = recinto
fern = felce
palm tree = alberi di palme (pl - more than one frond)
jasmine = gelsomino
paving (stones)
bark chips = pacciamatura di corteccia
pond =
fountain = fontana (s) fontane (pl)
gate =
thorn = spina (s) spine (pl)
watering can = annaffiatoio
bucket = secchio
waterfall = cascata (di acqua) (s) cascate (di acque) (pl)

tree trunks = tronchi di albero (plural) in the singular "tronco d'albero"
trees = alberi
peaches = pesche
peach trees = peschi (in the singular "pesco")
cherries = cilegie (plural) the singular being "cilegia"
cherry trees = ciliegi (singular = cilegio)
apricots = albicoche if in the plural, in the singular it is "albicocca"
apricot trees = albicochi (in the singular = "albicocco"
nectarine = pesconoce, pesca nettarina
nectarine tree = pesco nettarino ???????
fig = fico (pl.fici)
fig trees - Fici (Fig tree Fico)
flowers = fiori
flower( buds)
shrubs = cespugli
plants = piante
blossom = fiori
foliage = fogliame
to mow = tagliare
lawn = prato
flower beds
to prune = tagliare or potare
to cut back = see above
trowel = palletta,
shovel = palla
spade = vanga
gardening fork ..... I think it could be "forchetta".... not sure - forcella di giardinaggio???
hoe = zappa, hence "motozappa"
to grow = coltivare
to propagate = propagare ..... per propagarsi???
to water = irrigare
to weed = diserbare
to fertilise = fertilizzare
(garden) path = vialetto
pool = piscina
patio = patio
fence = recinto
fern = felce
palm tree = alberi di palme (pl - more than one frond) Here I would say "palma" as date palm is "Palma da datteri"
jasmine = gelsomino
paving (stones) = lastra di pavimentazione
bark chips = pacciamatura di corteccia
pond = stagno (for a garden pond), but "laghetto" for the one in a park
fountain = fontana (s) fontane (pl)
gate = cancello
thorn = spina (s) spine (pl)
watering can = annaffiatoio
bucket = secchio
waterfall = cascata (di acqua) (s) cascate (di acque) (pl)
nursery (garden)
garden shears

We're doing well!!!

tree trunks = tronchi di albero (plural) in the singular "tronco d'albero"
trees = alberi
peaches = pesche
peach trees = peschi (in the singular "pesco")
cherries = cilegie (plural) the singular being "cilegia"
cherry trees = ciliegi (singular = cilegio)
apricots = albicoche if in the plural, in the singular it is "albicocca"
apricot trees = albicochi (in the singular = "albicocco"
nectarine = pesconoce, pesca nettarina
nectarine tree = pesco nettarino ???????
fig = fico (pl.fici)
fig trees - Fici (Fig tree Fico)
flowers = fiori
flower( buds)
shrubs = cespugli
plants = piante
blossom = fiori
foliage = fogliame
to mow = tagliare
lawn = prato
flower beds
to prune = tagliare or potare
to cut back = see above
trowel = palletta,
shovel = palla
spade = vanga
gardening fork ..... I think it could be "forchetta".... not sure - forcella di giardinaggio???
hoe = zappa, hence "motozappa"
to grow = coltivare
to propagate = propagare ..... per propagarsi???
to water = irrigare
to weed = diserbare
to fertilise = fertilizzare
(garden) path = vialetto
pool = piscina
patio = patio
fence = recinto
fern = felce
palm tree = alberi di palme (pl - more than one frond) Here I would say "palma" as date palm is "Palma da datteri"
jasmine = gelsomino
paving (stones) = lastra di pavimentazione
bark chips = pacciamatura di corteccia
pond = stagno (for a garden pond), but "laghetto" for the one in a park
fountain = fontana (s) fontane (pl)
gate = cancello
thorn = spina (s) spine (pl)
watering can = annaffiatoio
bucket = secchio
waterfall = cascata (di acqua) (s) cascate (di acque) (pl)
nursery (garden)
garden shears
garden furniture


Sorry Sally,
Snail ....... Brian
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3DcChXNyYQ]YouTube - THE MAGIC ROUNDABOUT - ORIGINAL BBC 1970's EPISODE[/ame]