"Le Marche": the sole Italian region

Nicola Marinelli Image
08/06/2016 - 17:17

"Le Marche": the sole Italian region whose name is plural. Find out its plural wonders!



Le Marche reason of the name http://www.ermocolle.com/it/giovenale/dettagli1.asp?articolo=14Google traslation > because the region is called MARCHE? The word "brand" is of French origin. Expelled the Lombards from power, it became normal for the Franks to establish in those territories a free-mold government. The Franks used the name brand, to identify the boundary marquisates of their kingdom. The "mark" was the title of marquis that ruled them. With the advent of the Franks, the area south of Urbino and north del Tronto became divided into large estates, governed by as many marquis. And since these marquisates bordered with each other, each became a brand. As a result, there were the March of Urbino, the March of Ancona, the Camerino Brand, the Brand Fermo, and the Marca Picena. This state of affairs lasted until all these marquisates were integrated in the Papal States. Reduced to a single entity, of course it became one make. And since the Pope had established its rector in Ancona, from the sixteenth century onwards, the entire region was called the March of Ancona. Then in 1815, the pope renamed MARCHE, and has remained so since that date.  

... and let me add: Le Marche is the Italian region with highest number of ancient theatres, though is not the most populated (much far to be)!
Must say it is very rich in culture! See poets, lyric singers and musicians, comedy authors, painters ... just read about Italian art and culture history!


Sempre caro mi fu quest'ermo colle,e questa siepe, che da tanta partedell'ultimo orizzonte il guardo esclude.Ma sedendo e mirando, interminatispazi di là da quella, e sovrumanisilenzi, e profondissima quieteio nel pensier mi fingo; ove per pocoil cor non si spaura. E come il ventoodo stormir tra queste piante, io quelloinfinito silenzio a questa vocevo comparando: e mi sovvien l'eterno,e le morte stagioni, e la presentee viva, e il suon di lei. Così tra questaimmensità s'annega il pensier mio:e il naufragar m'è dolce in questo mare.

Giacomo Leopardida PensieriParole <http://www.pensieriparole.it/poesie/poesie-d-autore/poesia-18135>