Hello Everyone!I'm new to the

07/09/2018 - 18:54

Hello Everyone!I'm new to the community and would love to know if anyone here has any experience with a leasehold property?Any and all information/advice would be very welcome.Thank you,Monica



Sure, thanks for the response, modicasa.I found a small property for a very reasonable price in Abruzzo. When I sent off an inquiry, it was explained to me that the property was on a 30 year leasehold, with an option to renew at the end of the 30 year term.Aside from the purchase price, which includes all the necessary fees, there is also an annual service charge that is paid at the beginning of the year to the "freeholder". Utilities are also paid up front annually, minus the metered electric and the propane.I was told it was classified as a residential property and according to the property manager, can be resold if I chose to do so.I was able to find some information about leaseholding but the articles I found were related to properties in the UK and did not appeart to view this ownership postivitely. This is why I was hoping someone had knowledge of the process in Italy.Thanks,Monica

therefore, the bare ownership is not for sale, but the right of use - it is probable that the owner, not a natural person, but some government agency - For example, the state property, this year has put on sale the use of Coastal lights no longer used - Who buys the use, signs a clause, according to which, if the Italian state decides, for a justified reason, to reactivate the beacon, to those who have purchased the right of use, the state reimburses the period not enjoyed - I in your place, I would look for any other "good deal" - because, I have the impression, that this is not. There are too many unknowns.

Hello Ugo,Thank you for your response. I've bookmarked your information for mortgages for Non-Italians.I agree with your assessment and have decided this is probably not a good idea for me at this time. I do appreciate the input and advice.Thanks again,Monica