I will be packing up my father's

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02/09/2019 - 01:00

I will be packing up my father's house 20km from Spoleto. Can anyone please recommend a company able to ship household items overseas - Australia & the US?Also, is there an auction house in the Perugia, Spoleto region?Advice greatly appreciated. Thank you. 



Oh, we're in the same process in Spoleto. Finding it very difficult to get movers/shippers to take interest in overseas work.This is the very best person & company I've found to be interested and responsive. Drop him a line.Samuel WadsworthEuropean move coordinator TRASLO SERVICE LIMITEDtransport & removals services t: +44 (0) 2036 408 558dl: +44 (0) 2039 097 639 e: sam.w@trasloservice.comw: www.trasloservice.com