Hi we have just been up to our local commune

02/21/2022 - 07:17

Hi we have just been up to our local commune and collected a form to apply for residency {EU passport holders} 

On the form there is a section which has a table of amounts of monies ie 1 Person 6000euro, 2 persons 9000 euro underneath which we need to supply bank details. 

Do we just need those funds showing in the account? Do we need to keep it permanently above that amount. Does the account have to be Italian bank account? 





Depends on the comune.  There is no legal obligation to have an Itlaian bank account, but some comunes say that if you want to be resident then its virtually impossible to live in Italy without one.  As far as the amounts go, they will want to know you have the money at the time of the application, and for renewals... 

it's better have an italian bank account , and show to commune ofice - even a italian bank statement , where the amount are visible - otherwise the commune office thake 90 days to receive this confirmation from bank ...



Good Morning. 

We will also be applying for residency at the local commune.

Is this amount also applicable to UK passport holders?


Maureen F

UK passport holders can now only get residency if they have the Permesso di Soggiorno which for most Brits means a visa for elective residency, which has its own requirements - around 40.000 euro pa for a couple.