Bitten dog?

08/14/2009 - 09:32

Can anyone help with some advice about one of our dogs.One of them keeps getting a swelling on one of his front paws. It has happened 4-5 times in the last year. The first we see is when he starts to limp and we then see a small swelling ususally on the top of one of his front paws. There are no puncture wounds we can see and we end up after a day or so, having to burst the growing swelling and draining the samll amount of pus and blood which has, in all cases, stopped the problem. He is a Terrier and is always digging, putting his paws into holes, chasing lizards, etc. We have snakes on the land but there are no signs of puncture wounds, especially double ones, we can't see how a lizard could cause it and we never find any debris so as thorns or anything else. There are a few toads on the land and he often sticks his nose into them but could a toad cause such a problem. The presence of pus obvioulsy points to something which has become infected - but what?I know that most of you will say go to a vet but our vet operates by looking in a book to see what each breed suffers from and then diagnoses that, we don't have too much confidence. Any ideas warmly received and Ted says thanks in advance.



Sorry for your troubles, sounds like a recurring infection, but I am no vet.Might I suggest that if you are not happy with the one you have you find another one?. Perhaps a member in your area can recommend an alternative?.A they have an online consulation vet service...  although you already know what would be the best angie says try and locate another..better vet... sorry not to be more concrete in helping... if its any use... have four dogs.. and this is not something usual with ours...  and they get up to pretty much all the same types of things... 

Does it only happen in summer? Could it be the horrible grass seeds getting into his skin and causing an infection? My dogs have suffered with these, particularly in their ears (they are setters with long floppy ones), and in fact one of mine was very seriously ill as it was up his nose and heading for his brain. Luckily I have a wonderful vet. No bedside manners but very proficient. The problem with these grass seeds is that they have some kind of hooks up their body that propels them into the flesh so they burrow in. Very often you can't see them nor a puncture wound. They are not very big but look like small version of the grass seed "darts" we used to throw at each other when I was a kid. It is probably less likely if it is always in the same place I suppose unless one is still in there.....

Yes it does look very much like this picture although nowhere near as bad yet. Ingrowing hairs would explain a lot. My wife has to trim the hairs around his paws and especially between his pads regularly as it seems to grow out of control.As for another vet, we live in the country near to a one horse town, so there are few options. Vets in surrounding areas do not treat small animals much, except hunting dogs, and their knowledge is not great.Thanks to all who have tried to help. 

try tea tree oil. Clean the area very well and apply at least 5 times a day.I drop about 3 drops of oil onto a cotton wool pad that I wet after.If you can put a bandage over it stops them licking it off! ( I use a  bandage then put a baby sock over the top!) I cured a nasty wound on my brother's dog this way and it was on the pad so very difficult.

We have persisted with the vet and this time got a better response. She says that there may been a small wound and the problem has been caused our dog persistently licking it. He now has antibiotic cream and tablets and the swelling is reducing. He does lick himself a lot more than any other dog we've had so she may be right and we've also trimmed his coat rather more closely due to the heat, which may make it easier for him to lick the actial skin. We will see how it develops but thanks again all for your help and concern. It's worse than having kids isn't it.

 glad you took the time to make the last post... it helps if you get an end to a story... so thank you for that... most of all hope all is resolved ... well done for being persistent with the vet too... you'll just have to train her sure she will apreciate your help and find that looking after animals is a worthy career that she has taken on and now is doing better at... keep at it