The Curious Traveler
by John Bensalhia |
John Bensalhia looks at a lucky seven of some of the notable Summer happenings in the Basilicata region. Main photo credit:…
by Anonymous (not verified) |
By Maria Pasquale
Milan is one of the most underrated cities in Italy. It has the bustling monument-filled capital and renaissance Florence and her…
by John Bensalhia |
John Bensalhia guides you round some of the most unforgettable experiences in Italy that will make your holiday one to treasure forever...
Sunglasses. Water…
by Myra Robinson |
Thinking of a DIY rail holiday in Italy? This is essential reading
Catching a train in Italy is a complex subject worthy of an Open University course, which is…
by csabino |
Where front-row stars, top editors, and retail executives dine during the shows.
Even size-0 fashionistas become foodies when in town for Milan Fashion Week (…
by John Bensalhia |
Are you sitting comfortably? Then John Bensalhia will tell the tale of some great places to enjoy some fantastic collections of books...
In some ways online…
by elisascarton |
It’s little more than 10° out and the idea of stripping down to your bathers isn’t particularly tempting, but then you look around and see the steam rising…
by Silvia Donati |
Italy has the highest number of UNESCO World Heritage sites in the world (51), but are you familiar with all of them? Here are three impressive yet little-…
by Anonymous (not verified) |
By: Luciana Squadrilli
You will have probably heard about Caserta – one of Campania region's 5 provinces - and its stunning Reggia, the Royal Palace that…
by Myra Robinson |
It wasn’t until I was on the train to Venice that I remembered I ought to have checked about floods in La Serenissima, something which is likely in autumn.…
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