The Curious Traveler
by Silvia Donati |
You would think rock doesn’t make for the ideal natural element where to build a town. Yet, the following Italian villages have been able to transform a…
by Georgette Jupe |
Verona, UNESCO-rcognized for the architecture and urban structure, is often referred to Italy’s city of love. No doubt this has something to do with…
by Silvia Donati |
Call it a one-of-a-kind museum: the Museum of Mummies in the quaint little town of Ferentillo, in Umbria’s verdant Valnerina, does not display your usual…
by Silvia Donati |
“There’s a treasure behind that passage,” the old man said to the group of six young speleologists who had just climbed down a wall and had ended up into his…
by Luciana.Squadrilli |
Summer has finally come to an end, and the Italian countryside is ready to change its colors and shades. But fall won't be a quiet time in the country: from…
by John Bensalhia |
John Bensalhia looks at the concept of street art in Italy and some of the most notable innovators in this field...
Strolling down the street, it's amazing…
by Myra Robinson |
Isola Comacina, Photo credit:
As I look out from the terrace of a small house in Moltrasio on Lake Como I can hear the thwack of tennis…
by Silvia Donati |
"If you choose to live in a castle, it's not the castle that adapts to you; you must adapt to the castle." Gianfranco Gibelli, the loving owner of the 8th-…
by elisascarton |
By Elisa Scarton Detti. Photo credit:
Dante Alighieri turned 750 at the start of summer and while Florence celebrated, other…
by Barry Lillie |
Photo by:
Love it or loathe it there’s no escaping from graffiti and though many people think it’s the scourge of modern society the truth is…
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