How to Say: I Am Tired

| Sat, 11/16/2013 - 07:00

You can never get tired of Italy, however if you ever feel tired or sleepy during your trip in Italy from all the walking and sightseeing and eating, here are a few useful expressions:

Essere stanco: to be tired

Sono stanco/a: I am tired

If you wanted to inject a little colour into your expression, you could try one of the following:

Avere sonno: To be sleepy

Essere assonnato / insonnolito: To be sleepy / drowsy

Essere stanco morto: To be dead tired, shattered or knackered

Fare un pisolino / una pennichella / un sonnellino: To take a nap

Dormicchiare  / sonnecchiare / pisolare: To snooze

Appisolarsi / abbioccarsi / assopirsi: To doze off

Buona pennichella pomeridiana! (Enjoy your siesta/nap!)


Alesha Allen is an Oxford graduate of Italian who is back in London after years spent living and working in Rome as a language teacher and PR consultant. Alesha is CEO and Italian teacher at Alesha’s Italian Masterclass, which runs group Italian immersion courses at Italian restaurants and cafes such as Nonna Rosa’s in Coulsdon, and private lessons throughout London. You can contact her at or through Facebook or Twitter. Her website is