Prices for a week's holiday climb significantly

| Sun, 07/06/2008 - 03:12

Prices for a week's holiday for a family of four are significantly higher this year than last, especially for those staying in the city, according to a study by a consumer group.

Federconsumatori compared this year's prices to those of last year for a week's holiday at the sea, in the mountains and in cities and found that the cost was 4% higher at the sea, 6% more expensive in the mountains and 7% more costly in the city.

Inflation, on the other hand, is running just under 4%.

As a measuring stick the consumer group used a budget which included travel, hotel, beach services, excursions, various forms of entertainment and eating out at restaurants.

The total cost for a family of four at the sea averaged out to 3,104 euros and seven days in the mountains cost 3,074, while taking a week off in the city cost some 621 euros.
