Vatican asks Buddhists for climate change help

| Wed, 04/30/2008 - 03:32

The Vatican on Tuesday launched an appeal to the world's Buddhists to collaborate with Catholics in the fight against global warming and the destruction of the earth's natural resources.

Cardinal Jean Louis Tauran, head of the Vatican Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, made his request in a message for the festival of Vesak, the most important day in the Buddhist calendar which this year falls on May 20.

Tauran said the two religions should draw on ''the positive relations they have enjoyed for many years'' to work together to safeguard the environment, promote sustainable development and focus on climate change.

''Christianity and Buddhism have always nurtured a great respect for nature and taught that we must be the grateful administrators of the Earth,'' the cardinal said.

Tauran called on Christians and Buddhists to collaborate on a wide range of projects and to ''take on the responsibility that falls on each one of us''.

His list included ''recycling, energy saving, the prevention of indiscriminate destruction of plants and animals, and the protection of waterways'' as well as the promotion of good will among peoples.
