Italian Lessons
by Alesha Allen |
You may have heard the word ‘Pasquetta’ in Italian which literally means ‘little Easter’. This is known in English as Easter Monday. It is a day Italians often…
by Alesha Allen |
In Italian there are a variety of ways to say ‘a lot’ and ‘many’. How would you say, for example, ‘there are a lot of beautiful churches in Italy’ or ‘there…
by Alesha Allen |
How would you say ‘I can’ in Italian?
For example, ‘I can speak Italian’, or ‘I can find the square’, or ‘I can do my homework’. Maybe your answer would be ‘…
by Alesha Allen |
Mastering your numbers in Italian is an important skill. How else can you specify how many scoops of ‘gelato’ (ice cream) you would like, or ask what time the…
by Alesha Allen |
Today’s language lesson is about how to use the passive form in Italian. There are two forms of verbs: passive and active. An active verb…
by Alesha Allen |
There are a group of verbs in Italian called modal verbs. They are also known as helper verbs, as they help another verb, explaining intention, possibility,…
by Alesha Allen |
Here is the next piece in my series covering common irregular present tense verbs. Today we’ll look at the verb ‘dare’. This can often be…
by rebeccawinke |
Maybe you’re planning a trip to Italy, or would like to get in touch with your family history, or are simply enthralled with the idea of being able to speak…
by Alesha Allen |
It’s common to learn your colors in Italian as a beginner, but have you come across any idiomatic expressions using these colors? Some teachers prefer to wait…
by Alesha Allen |
This month many of us are looking forward to the spring, when the weather warms up and we can get out in the fresh air a bit more. Spring is one of the best…
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