No holiday meal is complete without dessert, but when it comes to traditional Italian Christmas cakes, will you be serving panettone or pandoro? This is a real…
by Silvia Donati |
Christmas markets are a beloved tradition in Italy; among them, one of the most famous and the first to open is the Santa Lucia Fair (Fiera di Santa Lucia) in…
by Barry Lillie |
On Christmas Eve, children in Italy lie in their beds waiting for the arrival of Babbo Natale (Father Christmas), however, in January when their British…
by Barry Lillie |
Santo Stefano in a painting by Giotto.
December 26th is il giorno di Santo Stefano (Saint Stephen's day) and an important day in the Italian calendar.…
by Barry Lillie |
At Christmas, Americans enjoy pumpkin pie, the English have plum or Christmas pudding and the Italians have panettone. Just the mention of this sweet Milanese…
by Barry Lillie |
No Italian Christmas would be complete without the sound of bagpipes. Everywhere from the piazzas of Rome to remote hillside villages, the Zampognari (pipers)…
by John Bensalhia |
With the Christmas season in full swing, John Bensalhia looks at some of the most popular drinks in Italy to suit dinners, parties and cafés.
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