by ITALY |
words by Carol KingItalian chef Antonio Carluccio will prepare an Italian Christmas lunch alongside inmates of a British prison. The celebrity chef will cook…
by Natalie Aldern |
After all the Christmas shopping, eating, and setting up of presepi, there are still hundreds of holiday events to attend throughout Italy.From Italian…
by Natalie Aldern |
A red-and-white dress code was strictly enforced on Sunday as 500 Pescara residents took to the streets dressed as Santa Claus for charity.The Santa event was…
by Natalie Aldern |
Rome’s mayor, Gianni Alemanno, has kicked an eco-friendly Christmas tree to the curb after complaints that the decorative holiday item was not sufficiently…
by John Bensalhia |
With Christmas rapidly approaching once more, John Bensalhia looks at some of the many things to do, see and hear in Italy during the festive period.Nativity…
by Natalie Aldern |
As the holidays approach, plans of family gatherings and religious celebrations fill the calendar. Christmas centers around special moments shared with those…
by Natalie Aldern |
During Christmastime in Italy, you are bound to come across presepi in homes and piazzas all over the country. Presepe, which translates directly to “crib,” is…
by Pat Eggleton |
Looking for Italy-themed Christmas Cards? Check out these great Christmas cards ITALY Magazine prepared!
We are sure that some of you will want to send…
by Pat Eggleton |
As we approach the Feast of the Immaculate Conception holiday on the 8th of December, when Italy officially gets ready for Christmas, people in many parts of…
by Katia Amore |
Natale in Casa Cupiello, a play written by the great Edoardo De Filippo in 1931, is now part of Italy's Christmas tradition.
The plot
In Naples, Luca…
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