by Pat Eggleton |
PhotoIn his home town - Catania - Vincenzo Bellini is as much remembered for the pasta dish named after his most famous heroine as for his music and there…
by Germaine Stafford |
Recipe by Michele De Leo - Images by Giuseppe AversaGermaine Stafford talked to chef Michele de Leo.One of the reasons he became a chef was the influence of…
by Valentina Harris |
Images courtesy of Cassell illustratedYou could also vary the filling in the pasta roll, using a spinach and ricotta or mushroom filling instead of the fish.…
by Mary Contini |
Pictures by Paul WattA Neapolitan way of preparing pasta for al fresco eating.Ingredients(serves four to six people)For the fresh tomato sugo750g ripe sweet…
by Germaine Stafford |
Gnocchi con rucola e gamberiGermaine Stafford visits the Sorrento Cooking School and discovers that school is a lot more fun than it used to be.If you’re short…
by ITALY |
Pictures by Germaine Stafford - Recipe courtesy of chef Stefano BocciaIf you don’t like clams, omit them from the recipe, double the amount of courgettes used…
by Germaine Stafford |
Sitting in the cosy lounge area of Il Convivio, Angelo Troiani explains that what is now one of Rome’s most important restaurants began as an adventure. ‘It…
by Katia Amore |
Following to our Foodie Guide to Radicchio, we selected for you this recipe that matches radicchio's bitter taste with mushrooms, two ingredients that can be…
by Katia Amore |
Broccoli are now in season and here is a typical Sicilian pasta recipe of "Cavatieddi cu i vruocculi" you will certainly enjoy.
There are various versions of…
by Katia Amore |
White Truffles season in Italy goes from October to November. Each year you can taste truffles, wine and food at the International White Truffles Fair of Alba…
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