by Valentina Harris |
Pasta nera con le capesante e il limeI am not very fond of coloured pasta, although I do think the green and the black can look very dramatic and actually do…
by Germaine Stafford |
Spaghetti ai broccoletti e bianchetti crudi.Images courtesy of Luca Ridolfi and Germaine StaffordBrothers Luca and Fabio Ridolfi have a modern, expansive…
by Germaine Stafford |
Fusilli al limoneIt is almost impossible to talk of the Amalfi coast without the mind’s eye conjuring up images of snaking coastal roads flanked by mountainsides…
by Germaine Stafford |
Risotto allo zafferano con polvere di liquirizia Photography by Wowe (Wolfgang Wesener)In.gredienti is the story of two young brothers who conquered the…
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