modicasa's activity

Questions Asked

Can you sort out the website so we can reply to questions?  Thanks 

Comments posted

As you are continually inferring that I am a scammer, have the courage to say it explicitly.   

NB:  a barn or non residential building has no energy certification,  my so called professionalism helps me to know the facts. 


I cant decide whether Ive met my first real life Karen or whether this is ChatGPT generated.    

Either way,  I hope you find a property, but would suggest that if you are a real person, you may not be well suited to living in Italy - I suspect you dont have the right character attributes to make for a happy life here. 

Please let me know what a thermal strainer barn is.   




It would be easier and much cheaper for the purchaser if the current owner was to change the destination before the sale.  Would they be willing to do so? 

Primo:  If you want an advert, pay for one.  If you post on a public forum you invite comments, which is the whole point of a forum. 

Secondo:  With the bare minimum of research you would know that a legally operating licenced realtor in Italy is a highly regulated profession.  It is pointless citing real estate disasters in other countries which have no bearing on Italy or Italian law.    

Terzo:   It is illegal for foreign agents to work in Italy unless they are registered at the REA or use an licenced Italian agent.  Anyone trusting their money to an illegal agent has no recourse in law, and can find their act of sale annulled as well as facing a 10.000 euro fine.  Ignorance is no defence in Italian law, something which you would be well advised to learn if you continue libelling people. 

Quarto: Your consumer association should also know the legion stories about corrupt lawyers and notaries, but you choose to ignore them. ‘Raking’ in commission shows a wilful ignorance of the tax system in Italy, but is to be expected.

Self censored no,  edited yes – there is a difference.  I edited my reply to not appear rude.   You seem to have no such brake. 

 ‘You have no idea who you’re talking to…. ’  I think I have a pretty good idea.

Oh dear.   I assume you have  had a bad experience in the past.   However, at least do some research before you start accusing an entire profession.  

Professional secrecy - wrong.

lawyers, surveyors and notaries being affordable and competent - wrong. 

legal obligation being theoretical - wrong again

As to the seems more of a conspiracy theory than fact.   







No you are wrong.  The legal obligations of the agent go far beyond a mere introduction.   The second sentence is also incorrect.   HOwever, as to whether an agent follows his obligations is another matter, and here the buyer who chooses a crap agent is also at fault. 

What did they tell you at the ASL?  I assume you have been over the last 7 years, they must have told you why they wouldnt give you a GP?  

Obviously given the value of these things they wont hire them to anybody.  Do you have experience with them, licence, certificate - that sort of thing.     Usually you hire them with an operator, which obviously pushes the price up hugely. 

There will be a hiring company - look up noleggi edili or something like that on Google and see what there is.     Try this lot to start with:…

And think about taking out supplementary insurance too.  

For two years this is now the norm.   The notary's dedicated account is  a state held account - and the buyers money is deposited in there.  Once the act is done, and the notary has checked there are no last minute debts on the property, and the act is full transcribed, he releases the funds to the seller.  It is in fact a good safeguard for buyers.  


Otherwise change to an energy efficient boiler/water heater and aircon - that alone can raise your rating by one class.