alan h's activity

Questions Asked

Driving to Italy 

Just driven down.  No longer cheap petrol in Switzerland  - fill up in France. 

Even Italian petrol is appreciably cheaper than Switzerland 

(There was no petrol available in Mulhouse for some reason)

Wed, 09/14/2022 - 06:49



Don't forget the first payment is due by 16th June

Sat, 05/14/2022 - 06:35



You've got until Saturday to enter France, before the entry ban for UK citizens comes into place.

Thu, 12/16/2021 - 04:33

European PET Passport.


Anyone had experience of getting a European Pet Passport for a dog in Italy (or possibly France, when we drive down)

Thu, 08/26/2021 - 05:40

As a Brit with a holiday home in Northern Italy, its been over a year since I have been able to visit it.  Last time was in February 2020, when the highlight was a meal out with Italian friends in a crowded restaurant in Bergamo!  Luckily, no ill

Thu, 05/06/2021 - 04:55

IMU etc Due Soon

just a quick reminder to those not living in Italy,  that the IMU etc on your Italian property requires paying this month.

Tue, 12/01/2020 - 14:48

Travelling through France - UK Quarantine 


Looks like people travelling through France to the UK could well be soon required to quarantine themselves for 2 weeks on their entry into the UK.

Fri, 08/07/2020 - 03:27

Are there companies in Italy that just change kitchen units doors and worksurfaces, rather than a complete replacement of the units?

Thu, 12/05/2019 - 17:37

My house has a semi-underground store room that was nice and cool during the recent very hot weather - the dog and I spent a lot of time in it - me reading and him asleep on the floor.Floor is just old concrete slab - lots of dust, and the walls a

Wed, 07/03/2019 - 10:50

Car Driving to [and in] Italy on a UK Licence- post Brexit  IF No Deal reached. I am driving down in March, and have had to plan for a 'No Deal' Brexit, just in case.If No Deal - all UK Driving Licence holders

Tue, 02/26/2019 - 10:34

Comments posted

Mon, 09/13/2010 - 04:58

Removing old render

  • Your geometra should be able to advise on what works best for your house's type of walls
    • I'd prefer chipping it off - using a bolster or pneumatic 'scabbler' - but the geometra should know what to do - which may be sandblasting [very very messy]
    • don't forget to allow for repointing all the stonework joints after stripping off the plaster [which is probably cement anyway]


  • Lots of ways of improving insulation of the house
    • external insulating render - you seem to not want that - but if the walls are in poor condition when exposed you might reconsider
    • double glazing [obvious]
    • insulate roof - either
      • above the ceiling - rockwool etc
      • underneath the roof tiles - sprayed insulation or insulation 'batts'
      • below the ceiling  - with insulated plasterboard - if you have ceiling height to do this
    • Insulate the walls internally - insulated plasterboard - end up with smaller rooms]
    • draught proof everything [obvious]

  Good luck

Answer to: help
Wed, 09/08/2010 - 06:21

My assumption would be that, assuming all the plans were submitted to the comune and 'approved', - you are OK.  If not - whoops  [but remember - its stood up for some time already, so don't panic]

Mon, 09/06/2010 - 07:25

Have you tried asking the comune if they know of any English speaking Notarys in the area? Their email address is;-

Mon, 09/06/2010 - 06:02

Don't know if they speak English - but have you tried;-

Piergigli Geom.

Marcello Studio Tecnico Progettazione Pratiche Catastali

60037 Monte San Vito (AN) Via Da Vinci, 43         tel: 071 744914

  At least they should know the local 'rules and people'  

Sat, 09/04/2010 - 18:42

"It depends where you are going.  The Uk taxes worldwide gains - so if you were returning there!  I would take advice on that." You could forget to tell Mr Osborne on your return

Answer to: Mio nonno
Mon, 08/30/2010 - 12:55
  1. Have you looked at your mother's Birth Certificate? - it may have his name on it
  2. Have you looked at the National Archives on line? - like;-

Good Luck

Mon, 08/30/2010 - 06:49

"Its a small village and I can't help thinking that the geometra and his builder mate are working together to see how much they can squeeze out of the job." Yes you have the right to ask for more estimates.    However, if you are worried about 'upsetting the locals', just reject the estimate and ask the geometra to seek a lower one from the same builder.  [I got around a 50% reduction on a tiling estimate that way]

Sat, 08/28/2010 - 06:39

Assuming you are using a local geometra, who knows how the Comune works - if he says you can start, I'd follow his advice - thats what you pay him for   I well remember the opposite occurring, when I had to instruct my geometra to commence building works before the 30 days was up, risking the 'Wrath of Khan' from the Comune if a neighbour reported me [which they didn't]

Answer to: Mosquitoes
Fri, 08/20/2010 - 06:10

"I have been told by an omeopathic doctor that LEDUM PALUSTRE in granules ( you can buy it in farmacia) is very effective." It is a homeopathic remedy for the effects of insect bites and stings - not for preventing them. Mossies tend to be attracted by the CO2 you exhale - so changing body odour wouldn't make much [if any] difference Use DEET

Answer to: digging a well
Fri, 08/20/2010 - 05:54

"would the Commune ever know?" Probably - If borehole - the rig would be a bit obvious If hand dug - 20+ cubic metres of 'spoil' to dispose of Plus neighbours reporting etc etc