alan h's activity

Questions Asked

Tesco and Eurotunnel[Copied from another Forum]If you shop at Tesco you'll probably be rewarded with Cash Vouchers.  What you may not know is that you can exchange these for 3x their value with Eurotunnel.

Sun, 03/18/2018 - 16:50

ITALIAN GENEALOGYI am researching my family tree [all UK based], and belong to a Genealogy Group here in the UK - its part of the U3A [an organisation for 'retired persons who want to do things rather than sit at home all d

Wed, 01/04/2017 - 05:24

Cancelling a Eurotunnel Booking I have had to cancel a return trip on Eurotunnel [Car + 2 + Dog], as I have to go into hospital for an op.The booking was 'non-refundable'.I rang them to cancel and they confirmed it was non-

Thu, 05/26/2016 - 08:00

IMU - Its still around I thought this had disappeared in the new tax system, but my Comune website says the first payment for 2014 is due by 16th June Paid it via my bank today - emailed them the F24

Fri, 06/13/2014 - 08:56

Looks like the days of the easy/cheap trip to italy through Switzerland are numbered. Apparently, the Swiss government has decided to raise the cost of the vignette to 100 Swiss Francs for 2015. They are introducing a two month vignette for 40SF,

Sun, 09/01/2013 - 15:58

Petrol prices in France are now comparable with the UK, except on the French Autoroutes.One option is to fill up at the L'Eclerc superstores with their SP95 E10 petrol [its a petrol with some ethylene in - generally used in France - which is OK fo

Thu, 07/11/2013 - 04:25

For a change this year we drove down to Italy via Besancon  [avoiding most tolls by taking some good french non-motorways.]However - Besancon roads are in total chaos as they are digging them up to lay tram routes - this will take about 2 more yea

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 16:44

Can you help?I've just completed making a 'variation' of Limoncello. The only change is that I dispensed with the lemons, I and substituted Sloes that I picked here in the UK at the end of last year.

Sun, 01/20/2013 - 09:10

In today's GuardianRyanair have announced their credit card will now be liable to the same charges as other credit cards - so the end of no charge bookings

Sat, 11/10/2012 - 09:07

Comments posted

Thu, 10/29/2009 - 14:14

"I also appreciate everyone's feedback about the Michael Thomas cd's and am going to look into ordering them today." Have a look on EBay and Amazon for 2nd hand CDs

Thu, 10/29/2009 - 08:50

My wife listens to the Michel Thomas tapes when driving to work - her Italian is much better than mine .[I rely on mime and the language level of a 3 year old]

Answer to: Gas Prices
Mon, 10/26/2009 - 05:38

Is it possible to buy the bombola already installed?

Sun, 10/25/2009 - 05:31

I think the decision on whether you need a TV at all depends upon what the house is used for. If its your permanent home, then a TV is probably a good idea.  BUT, if its a holiday home - don't get one! I was advised by an Italian friend not to get a TV [especially one that received UK channels] for my holiday home as it encourages people to sit inside and not to go out. I decided to delay the TV purchase for a year or so, to see whether she was right [I wasn't convinced at the time]. And you know what? - she was right.  We do more on holiday [walking reading, watching the sun go down over the Alps etc] than we would have and don't miss the TV at all.  In fact its nice to get back to the UK and ask "Whats happened in the last 2 weeks? So try the place without a TV for a year or so.  [You can always go to the local Bar for an occasional 'fix' if necessary"

Fri, 10/23/2009 - 07:16

according to - it could be off.   Also lists future dates BUT - saysy its still on  [probably right]

Answer to: Tax Residency
Mon, 10/19/2009 - 05:05

"One glance at my visa card or my Italian phone line statements shows where I'm really living"If you are really worried, then have a second person on your visa card [say a partner/friend/the dog], then nobody can easily find out who bought what.  [you can always destroy the second card once its issued]The phone bill doesn't say who made the call/used the line - it could be friends staying at the house I really don't think that there is a real chance of being 'found out' - though, like any 'good citizen', I would never advise people to bend the law.

Sat, 10/17/2009 - 06:53

If you want to ventilate your place when away without leaving windows open, you could consider fitting a couple of solar powered ventilators [used on boats] - such as ;-

Thu, 10/15/2009 - 08:00

i think that whatever you do will be a bit 'pot luck'In my view - the best thing is to get as much natural ventilation as you can, and if you can safely leave windows open it will be better - dehumidifiers could, as you say, be a bit too fierce.

Answer to: Salve
Tue, 10/13/2009 - 09:27

I have a place near Lake Maggiore, and know Mozzate will prove a fine base for seeing the area, plus shopping in Milan If flying - Malpensa is best  [Major airlines plus Easyjet], then probably Turin [avoids traffic problems going around Milan] served by Easyjet and Ryanair, then Linate and finally Bergamo Driving down? - lots of different routes recommended on this forum Enjoy